Scientology seriously folks!

Most people including the Pope... condemn people for it.

Don't you find it amusing that someone who is supposed to be celibate can have an opinion on (let alone condemn) something they have possibly never experienced.
Allstar cards inc said:
Don't you find it amusing that someone who is supposed to be celibate can have an opinion on (let alone condemn) something they have possibly never experienced.

How would you know they never experience it?
kidd05 said:
Good q Aj. Easiest answer I can think of is... if you were a guy... and a very ugly guy.. with absolutely no money.. hehe.. and you want to have sex with a woman but no one wants to be with you... does that give you the right to rape? (btw this will go to premarital sex so I'll say it now that it is a sin too as sex is to be within marriage). Point is, you can fight the lustful desire. Will be almost impossible, but that's where God comes in. Because the only reason you would fight it truly is IF you agree that it's sinful.

Deep and controversial answer would be- Homosexuality is the worst curse that God has put on people.

Now, why in the world is God punishing us if He's supposed to be a God of love?

But that guy would have a choice. He has a choice to fight the urge to rape a woman. The majority of people responsible for homosexual acts, do not have a choice.

And you ask a very good question why would God punish us? I'm sure there is a reason.

But since my personal belief is that homosexuality is indeed not something we choose, if God punishes those people by making them homosexual... what on earth did they do to deserve it? Since most people recognise at a young age, when still mostly innocent that they have homosexual feelings/thoughts... why then would that young innocent be punished and cursed with homosexuality?

I do not think God could be that cruel.

I think homosexuality happens, it is not a choice and it is not the worst thing a person could do. Rape, murder, stealing, genocide, permanent stupidity as a world leader (okay I had to throw that in regarding George W.) rate much higher in my book as things that should receive attention.

If world leaders and rleigious leaders spent as much time on the real problems of the world rather than homosexuality.... the world would be a better place.
Yes they do... so are you telling me that if a guy is homosexual, he can't help but have sex with another guy? True that he might not fight those feelings of lust towards the guy, same with a man towards a woman, but the homosexual can do something to prevent something from actually happening. Remember, the act is different. You can be a homosexual but not practice it.. because you condemn it.
kidd05 said:
Yes they do... so are you telling me that if a guy is homosexual, he can't help but have sex with another guy? True that he might not fight those feelings of lust towards the guy, same with a man towards a woman, but the homosexual can do something to prevent something from actually happening. Remember, the act is different. You can be a homosexual but not practice it.. because you condemn it.

You are right about one thing, we can all make an effort to deny how we feel.

But let me ask you, would you be happy to deny how you feel about you partner because God said it was wrong? Could you deny that love?
Where's Jason? What happened to scientology man? Anyways... I think we're getting WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY off topic now. I seriously don't mind continuing on, but yeah.

Tough questions would be:

Why did God approve of "crusades"? (Sending the Israelite army to slaughter thousands of people)

Is the story of Noah's Ark true?

Did Jonah really get swallowed by a whale?

If a newborn baby dies, or an unborn one dies, will he/she go to heaven?

But yeah, wrong forum. :)

Going to bed soon... we still alright as friends Aj and Jeremy? :D
kidd05 said:
Going to bed soon... we still alright as friends Aj and Jeremy? :D

For sure cobber. I respect your right to your beliefs, as I am sure you respect mine (even if you may worry for my mortal soul) lol

EDIT to add: and thanks for the healthy discussion, I quite enjoy the coming together of two different opinions when expressed respectfully.
wolvesjr34 said:
You are right about one thing, we can all make an effort to deny how we feel.

But let me ask you, would you be happy to deny how you feel about you partner because God said it was wrong? Could you deny that love?

That's a very good question AJ.. It's hypothetical though. Are you talking about homosexual relationships? If yes, then if the person in the relationship was a "Christian" before he got into it, then somethings wrong with him. If he became a Christian while he was in that homosexual relationship, then yes he should stop his sin and leave his partner.

And just so you know, even with man-woman relationships (lol this sounded funny for some reason), God does not allow Christians to be married to non-Christian partners... so the denial shouldn't reach the "we're together already, why separate" stage.

A few years ago, I started going out with a Muslim girl. I didn't know she was Muslim and she said she doesn't practice it, but she was still one. So immediately, we ended our relationship. So yes I have experienced that and have stood to my faith. I can go on forever about the cost of discipleship but that will just bore you...

For sure cobber. I respect your right to your beliefs, as I am sure you respect mine (even if you may worry for my mortal soul) lol

EDIT to add: and thanks for the healthy discussion, I quite enjoy the coming together of two different opinions when expressed respectfully.

Hehe. :) Same here. I hope we provided some information or some entertainment at least to the other members. ;)
kidd05 said:
Where's Jason? What happened to scientology man? Anyways... I think we're getting WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY off topic now. I seriously don't mind continuing on, but yeah.

Tough questions would be:

Why did God approve of "crusades"? (Sending the Israelite army to slaughter thousands of people)
Is the story of Noah's Ark true?

Did Jonah really get swallowed by a whale?

If a newborn baby dies, or an unborn one dies, will he/she go to heaven?

But yeah, wrong forum. :)

Going to bed soon... we still alright as friends Aj and Jeremy? :D

Tough questions would be:

Why did God approve of "crusades"? (Sending the Israelite army to slaughter thousands of people) Cant question what God did :D He did the big flood and later on regretted...

Is the story of Noah's Ark true? Yes. Its in the bible...

Did Jonah really get swallowed by a whale? Yes. Its in the bible...

If a newborn baby dies, or an unborn one dies, will he/she go to heaven? Yes. Its in the bible...
kidd05 said:
A few years ago, I started going out with a Muslim girl. I didn't know she was Muslim and she said she doesn't practice it, but she was still one. So immediately, we ended our friendship. So yes I have experienced that and have stood to my faith.

Hehe. I hope we provided some information or some entertainment at least to the other members. ;)

I could not have done that. I could not just walk away from someone who meant something to me, as my personal belief is one of love - not in the biblical sense, as I am too proud and Corinthians does say that love is not proud it does not boast etcetera.

I do however respect you for sticking to your faith and for devoutly following it. Not an easy thing to do in this modern world, if you ask me, so you definitely have my respect for that.

They were a bit quiet Carlos... we may have scared them off 0_o I mean having a serious conversation and all... what were we thinking heehee
Not convinced Alfredo!!! ;)

Yeah AJ and we also boosted our post count. LOL.

Anyways... I really need to go to bed now. Tomorrow's another day anyways hehe. GO NETS!
kidd05 said:
Yeah AJ and we also boosted our post count. LOL.

Yeah for sure.... I needed that, have slowed down posting lately. Thanks for that now I'm catching Lippo heehee

Sweet dreams.

*heads for her own, warm, safe bed*
I was at bible study Carlos!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe another 2 pages were up between then and now, see ya in the morning! ;)
gemini0928 said:
Tough questions would be:

Why did God approve of "crusades"? (Sending the Israelite army to slaughter thousands of people) Cant question what God did :D He did the big flood and later on regretted...

Is the story of Noah's Ark true? Yes. Its in the bible...

Did Jonah really get swallowed by a whale? Yes. Its in the bible...

If a newborn baby dies, or an unborn one dies, will he/she go to heaven? Yes. Its in the bible...

Who say's the bible is the Truth ??? If the bible speaks the truth where is the mention of dinosaurs (We know they existed, we have proof). I mean, I am christian in faith but there are too many un-answered questions as far as I am concerned, too many scriptures spoken about being lost or destroyed by "The church" just does my head in so I stop thinking about it (lol).
And we're back!!!

Welcome aboard Richo hehe.

Mate, if a professed Christian does not believe that the Bible is the true Word of God, then he's not a Christian.. simple as that. God speaks to us through His Word- which is the scriptures, otherwise known as the Bible. The Bible is the truth because it claims to be the truth. It is referred to as the Word of Truth, and the HOLY scriptures. Something which is holy cannot be false. (scripture is holy not the book itself... it's only paper.) A person cannot be a Christian and not believe in the Bible as the true Word of God.. because that is saying Jesus is not your Lord (sovereign master) and you refuse to believe in His word. I would think every religion would have a medium their God uses to speak to them.

As for dinosaurs, one wouldn't expect a whole page or paragraph to be dedicated to them as they are quite insignificant to salvation and eternal life? :lol: Coz if that's the case, the Bible should have pages dedicated to the pyramids, details on how a brain works, aliens, etc etc. But guess what, there is mention of these huge creatures in the bible.

Job 40:14-16

14 Then I myself will admit to you
that your own right hand can save you.

15 "Look at the behemoth, [a]
which I made along with you
and which feeds on grass like an ox.

16 What strength he has in his loins,
what power in the muscles of his belly!


Job 41:1
1 "Can you pull in the leviathan [a] with a fishhook
or tie down his tongue with a rope?

Obviously these were huge creatures. :)
Elephant? Did you ever read the accounts of the first white settlers in Australia and their descriptions of Australian wildlife? you would swear this place is full of giant kangaroos that eat people :-P

How does the church argue with fact that has been proven by science? On the first page doesn't it say something like God created birds then such and such??

When we know they came in the other order now.
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