kidd05 said:Christian Faith is different to the english word "faith" or "hope".
Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
We're gonna start going in circles now, and I already anticipated your last response that will shut me off- "bottomline is Carlos, you cannot prove to me your faith because I need evidence that will convince me."
So lemme ask you something Jeremy, what do you need to hear to believe in what Christians stand for? Answer would be "nothing". Why? Coz people cannot "come" to the Lord. God decides who gets to have fellowship with him. Everyone who He does not enable to know Him will always reject Him and His truth.
Prove me wrong and say that you believe and of course I'll be very happy.![]()
JZA said:I cant prove you wrong, thats why these arguments will go on til the end of time. i can offer enough convincing evidence to completely discredit everything you believe in, but it would be fruitless, youd pull out another bible quote and say something about faith. all this just proves one point to me: religion has got nothing to do with basketball cards![]()
so anyway, have fun in heaven and ill drop you a line from the fiery pits of hades![]()
kidd05 said:I don't know which religion you are talking about Aj, but it's definetely not Christianity. There never was a teaching about reincarnation, and that last page you are talking about does not exist. You are right though in the sense that the "church" (the Roman Catholic system- not Christian) became a super power, controlling people using their invented system. But that is another issue.
It is an abomination for a person to marry, or have sexual relations with another of the same sex. Why? Because God instituted marriage between man and woman. As simple as that.
Men create their own religion- which suits their wants and needs. That is why religion is man at his lowest. It's man made, and they worship it.
Can I ask people to keep this discussion interesting and educated please. No dirty jokes or stuff like that. If not, this will all go downhill fast, and we might as well lock the thread up.![]()
Being a Christian, I believe that there's no way anyone can be certain that he/she will be saved. Being a Christian (a TRUE Christian) you must be able to walk the way of Christ.JZA said:"christians are sure of their hope":thats an oxymoron right there. hope is uncertainty; you dont hope for something if your sure about it. a christian who doubts their faith is just one who is thinking logically and independantly, without the influence of others. i know because i was one of those people.
wolvesjr34 said:If we are supposed to be all God's children and He/She loves us equally.... why would for instance, loving someone of the same sex... be wrong?
There's no mention in the bible that "Loviing someone of the same sex is wrong" But in my opinion its just not normalwolvesjr34 said:So if God instituted marriage between a man and a woman, why then are there "abominations" that love/marry have sexual relations with members of the same sex? Are homosexuals the work of the Devil?
And I do find it hard that it can be as simple as that.... unless God is a hypocrite? I say this because God is supposed to love us all, but tells us we are sinners if we do not adhere to his many guidelines. And when that comes to love... I just find it hard to swallow. It's okay to love, so long as you love whom God wants you to love? That is the impression I get from what you've said. Please, correct me if I am wrong, I am completely biased by my personal view.
JZA said:i think you need to think about your faith's views carlos, im pretty sure you wouldnt be so adamant about the evil of homosexuality if a family member or close friend who you cared about admitted to being gay, or even imagine if your son or daughter is homosexual, will you be so quick to call them an abomination, id bet the bank youd still love them more than anything else in the world.
wolvesjr34 said:So if God instituted marriage between a man and a woman, why then are there "abominations" that love/marry have sexual relations with members of the same sex? Are homosexuals the work of the Devil?
wolvesjr34 said:And I do find it hard that it can be as simple as that.... unless God is a hypocrite? I say this because God is supposed to love us all, but tells us we are sinners if we do not adhere to his many guidelines. And when that comes to love... I just find it hard to swallow. It's okay to love, so long as you love whom God wants you to love? That is the impression I get from what you've said. Please, correct me if I am wrong, I am completely biased by my personal view.
gemini0928 said:There's no mention in the bible that "Loviing someone of the same sex is wrong" But in my opinion its just not normalThe reason I say that is "how can they reproduce if they are of the same sex?"
kidd05 said:God did said to "love" everyone. But the word love there is not the sexual kind of love (greek word phileo "physical love" or eros "emotonal"), but "AGAPE" love... meaning unconditional sacrifical love. The best description of this is how a mother loves her child.. which still isn't perfect, but you get the idea. So by no means does God tells us to have physical emotional love with everybody. I hope that helps...
gemini0928 said:Being a Christian, I believe that there's no way anyone can be certain that he/she will be saved.
kidd05 said:OK let me say that again... people are not to be condemned. It's the SIN that is to be condemned.
So Jeremy, if I had a child who was homosexual (practicing), I would greatly condemn the sin and set him/her straight... but OF COURSE I would still love him/her and do everything to bring him into a knowledge of the truth.
wolvesjr34 said:If then, we are to unconditionally love those around us, should we not unconditionally love those that choose/cannot help to love someone physically/emotionally of the same sex?
kidd05 said:Yes we are to love them, but not their sin. Love them to the point where we want to show them that they are living sinful lives. Homosexuality is a sin. Let me know if you want scripture that says this and I'll post it up. If you mean love them as in accept them for who they are and allow them to go on with it, then no. Coz again, it's sin.
wolvesjr34 said:You wouldn't allow them freedom of choice (or as it is very rarely an active choice the ability to love because they cannot help it)?
I may be misinterpreting, but I do belive by bringing him/her to truth you would mean trying to have them deny who they are. Very few people choose to love/physically interact with someone of the same sex. Should that not be taken into account?
Btw just want to reiterate I am completely calm and more than anything simply curious about your stance.
kidd05 said:Yes we are to love them, but not their sin. Love them to the point where we want to show them that they are living sinful lives. Homosexuality is a sin. Let me know if you want scripture that says this and I'll post it up. If you mean love them as in accept them for who they are and allow them to go on with it, then no. Coz again, it's sin.