Scientology seriously folks!

Go to the nerd boards Geek!

I have a card I won in a sports lot that says its worth One Million character points so you have to do what I say!
Science is flawed chad. From the big bang theory to the evolution of man from apes. God created man in the image of God, not from apes... (I would think some did come from apes though. :lol: ) And how can an egg appear without having someone/something create it? And yes the first page does say that God created animals, male and female so that they can lay eggs. ;)

Bottomline is, we can never make science and the bible co-exist in perfect unity. One would always contradict the other.. so it's your choice which to believe. Why? Because science was made in man's finite knowledge, and the Bible from God's perfect wisdom. God is perfect, we are not. If we try and explain everything in human terms (science), then we are being like Gods.

"But God gave us brains to use?" True, and sadly, we use it for all the wrong purposes.. which is to listen to our hearts- which always lusts for power, pleasure, etc. Again it falls down to the fall of man. We were once perfect, but now our hearts and minds are corrupt.

Moving on guys. ;) I've a question...

Can you seriously say, with all your heart, that you believe that everything in the universe, the stars, the mountains, the animals, the people, us, came from absolutely nothing and just came about because of some radiation whatnot happening out of nowhere? Then life sprung? Surely it's design from a higher being?
I believe that if we don't know the answer to questions we don't have to make one up. Some things are just unanswered. 100 years ago we didn't know how a lot of stuff happend in the animal and physical world but do now.

To me religion is like a housewives saying. My nan swore black and blue that vinegar cured everything and couldn't be told otherwise despite the fact its been proven to be wrong mostly. The star of Bethlahem was a supernova and comets were BAD and caused all sorts of bad things etc etc.

You can have your religion Carlos but I honestly think the world would be better off without it. Most wars and fighting now is caused by friction between faiths. Something I just don't get. Surely every religion teaches tolerance? And you can't say thats a minority as just take a look at the world. Most wars are less about land grabs and more about religion. I doubt it if there was a god he would want me to sit in church for half a day on my day off. Surely there is more meaningful things I could do for myelf and society than praise him. Coach a little league, exercise, visit friends and generally be a better person or contribute to society in general.

If I do as much as I can to be a good person in this life and donate a lot more of my money and time to good causes then how does a religous person that doesn't look better in gods eyes if he does exist??
Why would you do all those good things in the first place Chad if there's no God? Why not be like the greeks before, eat, drink, and be merry... for tomorrow we die? To me, it's either you believe and follow a God, or do your own thing and be your own God. You just created chadology with your last sentence too so that contradicts your "the world is better off with no religion" statement...

re·li·gion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-ljn)

1. Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.
2. A personal or institutionalized system grounded in such belief and worship.
3. The life or condition of a person in a religious order.
4. A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader.
5. A cause, principle, or activity pursued with zeal or conscientious devotion.

Scotty can be first to be baptised in your name. :lol:
kidd05 said:
Why would you do all those good things in the first place Chad if there's no God? Why not be like the greeks before, eat, drink, and be merry... for tomorrow we die? To me, it's either you believe and follow a God, or do your own thing and be your own God. You just created chadology with your last sentence too so that contradicts your "the world is better off with no religion" statement...

So if you are not religious it gives you the right to be an ass??? You seriously can't say or believe that. I care about doing the right thing plain and simple. At work I break the law and usually it effects no one but myself. The other day I knocked a guys coffee all over him after hitting him on the footpath. My bad. I gave the guy $50 for drycleaning. I guess I should of just rode off knowing there is no consequences from above ;)

What about the sellers I've had that send in a white envelope and put in a card with a gospel saying on it? What happens to them? :lol:

How is my last statement wrong? I simply say that if someone that is religous but mostly doesn't do the right thing society wise, how is that better than me?? Wouldn't your god like me more seeing christianity says god loves all so I assume that means me?? Not that I care much.
I'm not saying its wrong to do good, as it is not, but it's pretty pointless if it all sums up to nothing in the end... re no eternal life.
Exactly my point chad... it's a sad reality, but thats how it is.

Think of this... if the way to heaven, if you do believe in life after death and heaven and hell, is by good works... who sets the standards? What is good? How much good do you have to do? How much money do you have to give away to the poor? If a man died for his country, does that grant him instant entrance to heaven? If a man did good all his life, but fell in sin for a single minute, does that disqualify him? If a man did evil all his life, but before dying he gave all his money to charity, does he qualify? What if you have absolutely nothing to give, does that make you disadvantaged?

I hope you're taking me seriously man... and not making fun of me.. as we're having a serious discussion. :)

I looked at life like that before... I was a "christian".. always doing good to everyone.. but I never was assured that when I die, I would go to heaven. Why? Because I know I've done a lot of stupid and bad things. God is holy.. if He looks at me, the tiniest of sins will be very filthy to Him. And He accepts nothing but perfect. If you've committed one tiny sin in your lifetime, then you're disqualified. And that scared me and I believed it. This eliminates the option of getting into heaven by doing good works. So how do you go there now? That is the ultimate question, but only asked if you believe and really worry about what's gonna happen when you die.

chadjaja® said:
I guess the smile on my nieces face and the thanks from the homeless guy is wasted then if I don't go on to heaven :-(

This shouldn't worry you at all chad if you believe in the good works system.
I just couldn't believe you actually questioned why I do good ;-)

Being a non christian and doing bad simply reinforces the views of religious people that non believers are all bad and non careing etc.

You wont see me throwing rocks at my neighbour because of his religion or giving up the love of my life because of their faith.

So in the end you are basically saying that a not so good christian is better in god's eyes than a good person not christian?? That based on god absolving the sins of the christian one?

That simply sounds like a rule to get more members etc rather than promote happiness, kindness and contributing to society.
Yep. That's Christianity. You got it spot on. The only way you get to heaven is by believing that Jesus died for you and paid for your sins, granting you eternal life. A person can be good all his life, for the sake of doing good, and still not go to heaven.

Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. NO ONE comes to the Father EXCEPT thru Me."

I guess that ends the discussion about Christianity? You guys asked almost all the right questions! So now, it's either you accept it, or as many have already done, reject it as absolute rubbish. Confess that Jesus is Lord, or say that He is a wannabe liar. Nothing in between. :)
So in the end you are basically saying that a not so good christian is better in god's eyes than a good person not christian?? That based on god absolving the sins of the christian one?

That simply sounds like a rule to get more members etc rather than promote happiness, kindness and contributing to society.

I believe most religions work on a premise of fear. This fear then leads to intolerance and eventually anger. Hence we have a "War on Terror" that has it's foundations based in religious (or perhaps even racial) hatred.
:shock: Just like a beckett, sometimes the bible is better taken as a guide only ;) :lol:

kidd05 said:
I'm not saying its wrong to do good, as it is not, but it's pretty pointless if it all sums up to nothing in the end... re no eternal life.
You say you have sinned Carlos. Does this mean no eternal life for you too?
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