Scientology seriously folks!

chadjaja® said:
Elephant? Did you ever read the accounts of the first white settlers in Australia and their descriptions of Australian wildlife? you would swear this place is full of giant kangaroos that eat people :-P

How does the church argue with fact that has been proven by science? On the first page doesn't it say something like God created birds then such and such??

When we know they came in the other order now.

This place WAS FULL of large kangaroo and other Australian wildlife like creatures.... you should visit the Australian history section of the museum sometime (I know our museum has information on the size of some of these beasts). Although not so sure about what was around 200 years ago ;)
Bad analogy Justin! :lol:

I have sinned yes, and continue to sin, but because I believe that Jesus' paid for all my sin, past, present, and future, when God sent Him to die on the cross for me, then I have eternal life. Because I am believing in His sanctifying work. I used to think this was too simple... too absurd.. but it is the truth. The only way you'd experience it is to believe it.

Can I get a witness!! :D
kidd05 said:
Bad analogy Justin! :lol:

I have sinned yes, and continue to sin, but because I believe that Jesus' paid for all my sin, past, present, and future, when God sent Him to die on the cross for me, then I have eternal life. Because I am believing in His sanctifying work. I used to think this was too simple... too absurd.. but it is the truth. The only way you'd experience it is to believe it.

Can I get a witness!! :D

I'm catholic and have always believed in Jesus and that he died to save us and forgive us for our sins. So I'm sweet to sin? :D :cool: In moderation of course ;)

LOL Marcus :)
kidd05 said:
I guess that ends the discussion about Christianity? You guys asked almost all the right questions! So now, it's either you accept it, or as many have already done, reject it as absolute rubbish. Confess that Jesus is Lord, or say that He is a wannabe liar. Nothing in between. :)

Why can't I believe in Jesus existance, and the existance of God, but still follow my own path? I do not think Jesus was a liar, I think Jesus was an enlightened being. Though I do think man have confused the message over time.

I guess as part of my own belief system I have difficulty in there being two absolutes. Either you do or don't. There are other shades of grey, pink and purple if you ask me.

But what bothers me about the Christianity belief system is that a man can do bad things his entire life, and repent right before he dies and be forgiven. For some sinners, what they repent is who they are. We all make mistakes, it is part of being human.
justdabestcards said:
I'm catholic and have always believed in Jesus and know he died to save us. So I'm sweet to sin? :D :cool: In moderation of course ;)

You would still sin, because you're still in your sinful body. But if you truly are a Christian, then you've been redeemed and will not be enslaved to sin anymore, meaning you can fight it together with the Holy Spirit. So no, its not alright to still sin, as you should now strive for righteous living. I sin, because I'm still alive.

2 Corinthians 5:17
17Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

Catholicism is different though, as you guys believe that priests still have a role today, and that prayers (hail mary's etc) and indulgences are necessary to get to heaven.

Nets lose by 1. :( I had Carter though for 45 total points. :cool:
wolvesjr34 said:
Why can't I believe in Jesus existance, and the existance of God, but still follow my own path? I do not think Jesus was a liar, I think Jesus was an enlightened being. Though I do think man have confused the message over time.

Welcome back Aj! Hehe. You can't just believe in Jesus' existance and take it only for that. Why? Because Jesus claimed He is God. This takes us back to the earlier topic about absolute truth, which you either embrace or reject. If you don't accept that Jesus is God, therefore it was God who was nailed on the cross, putting upon Himself the due penalty of our sins, and saving those who believe.. then everything else about Christianity will have nothing to do with you. You cannot just take the things about it that suits your likes and leave the others alone, because that would put things out of context.

And with your last comment.. it's actually a beautiful thing that it is that easy. Only a few know when they are going to die anyways, and if they do repent and turn to Christ, then they are in the best position to be in in that sense. People in death row, with cancer, etc. They are thinking about the next life. No one thinks about that when they are enjoying life to the fullest outside of God.
Man I feel like I've been out of the loop for ages the way this thread has gone! Damn uni and life! Gotta go again! :D
justdabestcards said:
You guys don't have to go to confession? No fair!

Why would you too? Jesus is your mediator. To say that these modern day priests can do the job of Jesus as mediator between God and men is blasphemy... or redundant. :D
wolvesjr34 said:
This place WAS FULL of large kangaroo and other Australian wildlife like creatures.... you should visit the Australian history section of the museum sometime (I know our museum has information on the size of some of these beasts). Although not so sure about what was around 200 years ago ;)

I think you missed my point AJ ;)

In the descriptions of the first settlers and explorers the animals were described quite crudely and almost like a chinese whisper evolved into more. They hunted the Tasie Tiger because they believed it attacked stock which it doesn't and the Devil too even though its mouth isn't even big enough to bit large prey. :rolleyes:

Too a visitor that hadn't seen MOST of the animals we had it would of been quite daunting. I was just pointing out a bohemoth in the bible could quite possible be an elephant etc not a dinosaur.
kidd05 said:
And we're back!!!

Welcome aboard Richo hehe.

Mate, if a professed Christian does not believe that the Bible is the true Word of God, then he's not a Christian.. simple as that. God speaks to us through His Word- which is the scriptures, otherwise known as the Bible. The Bible is the truth because it claims to be the truth. It is referred to as the Word of Truth, and the HOLY scriptures. Something which is holy cannot be false. (scripture is holy not the book itself... it's only paper.) A person cannot be a Christian and not believe in the Bible as the true Word of God.. because that is saying Jesus is not your Lord (sovereign master) and you refuse to believe in His word. I would think every religion would have a medium their God uses to speak to them.

As for dinosaurs, one wouldn't expect a whole page or paragraph to be dedicated to them as they are quite insignificant to salvation and eternal life? :lol: Coz if that's the case, the Bible should have pages dedicated to the pyramids, details on how a brain works, aliens, etc etc. But guess what, there is mention of these huge creatures in the bible.

Job 40:14-16

14 Then I myself will admit to you
that your own right hand can save you.

15 "Look at the behemoth, [a]
which I made along with you
and which feeds on grass like an ox.

16 What strength he has in his loins,
what power in the muscles of his belly!


Job 41:1
1 "Can you pull in the leviathan [a] with a fishhook
or tie down his tongue with a rope?

Obviously these were huge creatures. :)

I was brought up Christian with Christian beliefs but over time I have asked many questions and just like you just did I got no answers........they just avoided the questions. Saying Dinosaurs were insignificant does not answer the question of where they come into the equation........The bible is only the truth to those that believe it's the truth, there has not been one shred of evidence to prove any of I am not saying it is a lie I just find it bewildering that we can find proof of dinosaurs (millions of years old) but find nothing to back stories up from the bible only thousands of year old.

I guess what I am saying is I was a practising christian but my unanswered questions have caused me to doubt and that is where I am.......I still believe there is some kind of higher being and I am far from an athiest - Who knows what to believe in now days, what about all this talk that Mary was Christs wife and she bore a child "Sarah" who is the Christ's bloodline.......

Anyways considering you guys claimed you were not going to preach to the unconverted you seem to be doing a good job of it :lol: i feel I should jump out of this conversation because at the end of the day NO-ONE is going to be proven right here - There is no (Beyond a doubt) evidence to say so either way ;) It's all just beliefs which everyone in entitled to :D
Well that's that. I'll leave it at this since most of yous think this is a waste of time anyways. ;)

If anyone would still want to talk about it, feel free to chat with me. This thread will just be flame bait.
chadjaja® said:
I think you missed my point AJ ;)

In the descriptions of the first settlers and explorers the animals were described quite crudely and almost like a chinese whisper evolved into more. They hunted the Tasie Tiger because they believed it attacked stock which it doesn't and the Devil too even though its mouth isn't even big enough to bit large prey. :rolleyes:

Too a visitor that hadn't seen MOST of the animals we had it would of been quite daunting. I was just pointing out a bohemoth in the bible could quite possible be an elephant etc not a dinosaur.

Oh I got your point was just off in my own little world LOL
kidd05 said:
Well that's that. I'll leave it at this since most of yous think this is a waste of time anyways. ;)

If anyone would still want to talk about it, feel free to chat with me. This thread will just be flame bait.

I don't consider it a waste of time, I consider it interesting to learn the beliefs and opinions and thoughts of others.

Something you said earlier that with Christianity the belief is that Jesus is God.

I do not believe that I believe Jesus is the son of God. I think that is my Roman Catholic upbringing. I also think it is the Roman Catholic upbringing that turned me away from religion.
Each to their own, but why all the preaching here???

Are we now dividing between Christians/Catholics/Muslims/whatever and the OzCard collectors???

Perhaps I'm just in a bad mood, I dunno?
MavsMan© said:
Each to their own, but why all the preaching here???

Are we now dividing between Christians/Catholics/Muslims/whatever and the OzCard collectors???

Perhaps I'm just in a bad mood, I dunno?

I haven't seen any preaching, I have seen questions answered based on Carlos beliefs.

Carlos didn't go out of his way for no reason to quote scriptures - it was being done in response to questions asked.

I do not feel I was being preached to, but rather having my questions answered.

So yes, I think yer in a bad mood Scotty LOL
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