The Truth (not you Brad) is supposed to be offensive. Religions that claim worldwide unity or unity of all religions, or that their religion is right, are wrong. It is a sad lie. Why? I'll make a bold statement by saying, true Christians will OR SHOULD tell any other persons who practice a religion (Christianity is NOT a religion) that they aren't going to heaven because of what they believe in (whether it be Buddha, science, or nothing- etc). Why? Because ALL CHRISTIANS SHOULD KNOW
John 14:6 by heart.
Christians would ALWAYS cop the term "self-righteous", as we are racist in a sense that we believe no other "religion" or belief will give you eternal life, and there is no safe ground as well. Either you're saved, or you aren't. And we believe that only those who Jesus pre-destined to be saved, thru His grace, are going to heaven. And yes I believe this 100%. So if this offends someone, then this thread has achieved it's purpose.
Also- There are approximately 6.5+ billion people in the world. Approximately 2.5+ billion or 33% of that are professed Christians. But Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14,
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
I wouldn't be surprised if "fellow" forum members who are Christians would disagree with me. That's just how it is today.