Scientology seriously folks!

Two interesting points -

1. JEDI was the largest growing "religion" on the last census.

2. Whilst other religions explained why the Asian Tsunami occurred by saying it was their God sending us a message or their God was punishing those of other religions...the Buddhists said it happened "Just because".
chadjaja® said:
My main bone of contention is that its actually classed as a religion even though we all know the origins of it. It therefore recieves the tax breaks of other religions that are in place for the organisation to do good in the community. But they don't and just buy up buisiness and shares etc. Take that away from them I say. Apart from that don't put it in my face and I'm fine. I can now go to the supermarket and and shops on Good Friday so things are becomming a bit more balanced in society for all.

Maybe we could set up an Ozcards religion?? We come here regularly to observe our faith....we do good for the on-line community and more importantly we need the tax breaks!!! Chad, you could write the "Old School Testament". :rolleyes:
Maybe we could set up an Ozcards religion?? We come here regularly to observe our faith....we do good for the on-line community and more importantly we need the tax breaks!!! Chad, you could write the "Old School Testament".

I read in a journal article that the best way to make millions is to create your own religion! Maybe this could help to fund our "religious habits", maybe we will also get virgin brides like Tom Cruise! :D
jvalles69 said:
I don't know much about buddism, but isn't it all about making yourself better than others in every possible way?

I don't know much about it to be honest...I just really appreciated their explanation of that particular event.
The Truth (not you Brad) is supposed to be offensive. Religions that claim worldwide unity or unity of all religions, or that their religion is right, are wrong. It is a sad lie. Why? I'll make a bold statement by saying, true Christians will OR SHOULD tell any other persons who practice a religion (Christianity is NOT a religion) that they aren't going to heaven because of what they believe in (whether it be Buddha, science, or nothing- etc). Why? Because ALL CHRISTIANS SHOULD KNOW John 14:6 by heart.

Christians would ALWAYS cop the term "self-righteous", as we are racist in a sense that we believe no other "religion" or belief will give you eternal life, and there is no safe ground as well. Either you're saved, or you aren't. And we believe that only those who Jesus pre-destined to be saved, thru His grace, are going to heaven. And yes I believe this 100%. So if this offends someone, then this thread has achieved it's purpose. ;)

Also- There are approximately 6.5+ billion people in the world. Approximately 2.5+ billion or 33% of that are professed Christians. But Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

I wouldn't be surprised if "fellow" forum members who are Christians would disagree with me. That's just how it is today.
You also can't say that "I believe in what I believe in, and you believe in what you believe in, and we'll be alright." Coz that won't work. Coz if I believe that you're going to suffer for eternity because you chose to worship a different God, then we won't be alright now wouldn't we?

Believing that there is One true God is like believing in gravity. You can believe with all your heart and with all your might that there is no One God, or no heaven and eternal damnation for that matter, but the truth is, it's there. And when you die, you still face that truth. Just like what will happen if you don't believe in the law of gravity and you jump off a 20 story building. You fall, and you die.
jvalles69 said:
I don't know much about buddism, but isn't it all about making yourself better than others in every possible way?

no im pretty sure thats not the motive of any buddhist. buddhism is all about discarding the things that make humanity suffer, such as material possessions. buddhists believe the root of all human suffering is desire; strip away our desire for things and we are truly free. buddhists strive to attain personal nirvana, ie. total and complete spiritual peace and freedom, so in that sense it is a personal quest to make yourself better, but not so much trying to be better than others.
All religions are flawed because they are based on good works- IE doing "good stuff" to get good karma or go to heaven. It's flawed because all men are evil. Their hearts desire for lust and evil things. Nothing good comes out of a man's heart. Every religion follows this, except Christianity, which is based on faith and God's grace (meaning we can do absolutely nothing to be right with God). Even Catholics are religious. They believe prayers and buying stuff can earn you points and go to heaven. Yes, I believe Catholics aren't Christians.

Hey Jeremy do you know much about the history of Christianity and Catholicism? I'm impressed with your knowledge with other religions man. What do you think of Christians? Don't worry I don't get offended. :D
It's flawed because all men are evil

Hey carlos, this is the one thing I have struggled with, if all man is evil and man wrote the bible through God, what was stopping man from putting false information in the bible in the first place?
Hey Jase.

My best answer to that will be, when these men wrote the Bible, they were inspired by God. Quoting from the bible:

2 Timothy 3:16
16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

The best way to explain this is, even if God wrote the Bible Himself, using his bare hands, no one would believe in it still. Proof? God wrote the 10 commandments HIMSELF, yet not everyone obeyed. So these mere men, empowered by the Spirit of God, wrote the books, and God approved of it. In the last book of the Bible, which is Revelations, it says:

Revelations 22:18
18I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.

Meaning, God has finished revealing His words or commands thru people. There are no new prophecies or revelations. That is why the Bible has withstood all efforts to destroy it.. after hundreds of years, it has been preserved, and has been in tact.

But the bottomline is, it is based on faith. If you don't believe that the Bible is 100% true, and is God-breathed, then the discussion ends there sadly. :(

I hope that helps mate.
It does help, and yes I do believe 100% ever since I was a kid (just not actively, so yeah only recently a "christian"). Because I am knew to this and the way I am, I still habitually question things like this, but not to the extent that I don't believe it if that makes sense? Other things I've questioned are why there are so many gospels that were left out of the bible?
Exactly Cath. Even if you say a billion Hail Mary's, your sins will not be forgiven. How are sins forgiven? If a man killed someone, and goes to death row, how can he escape this? Only one way right? being pardoned by the country's leader? Same with being saved. No one can decide if one gets saved, except God, who is righteous and just. All men are evil and are already damned and going to hell. You can only be saved if God saves you. I reckon that makes plenty of sense.

You would be offended as you believe something else. That's expected, but I hope that doesn't mean you wouldn't trade with me anymore. ;)

Oh, I'm only preaching coz there's an opportunity, I don't go around bashing Bibles on people's heads. :D
kidd05 said:
The Truth (not you Brad) is supposed to be offensive. Religions that claim worldwide unity or unity of all religions, or that their religion is right, are wrong. It is a sad lie. Why? I'll make a bold statement by saying, true Christians will OR SHOULD tell any other persons who practice a religion (Christianity is NOT a religion) that they aren't going to heaven because of what they believe in (whether it be Buddha, science, or nothing- etc). Why? Because ALL CHRISTIANS SHOULD KNOW John 14:6 by heart.

Christians would ALWAYS cop the term "self-righteous", as we are racist in a sense that we believe no other "religion" or belief will give you eternal life, and there is no safe ground as well. Either you're saved, or you aren't. And we believe that only those who Jesus pre-destined to be saved, thru His grace, are going to heaven. And yes I believe this 100%. So if this offends someone, then this thread has achieved it's purpose. ;)

Also- There are approximately 6.5+ billion people in the world. Approximately 2.5+ billion or 33% of that are professed Christians. But Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14, "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

I wouldn't be surprised if "fellow" forum members who are Christians would disagree with me. That's just how it is today.

some forceful points put forth there carlos, its obvious you are quite devoted to your beliefs. some i agree with, some i dont, and some i dont understand.

firstly, what do you mean by "the truth should be offensive"? and how exactly can you say that you (as a christian) are right and every other religion/belief system (btw, why isnt christianity a religion?) is wrong, simply because of a line of text in a book that has been revised and rewritten countless times by countless different authors over thousands of years?

i think the proper term for the christian attitude is 'elitist' make the presumption (and it is just that, not a fact) that you will be rewarded by eternal life and happiness whilst others will be punished for all eternity for not sharing the same beliefs is creating an elitist class system of sorts; the saved and the damned. and how did jesus pre-destine people to salvation, are we all saved or damned before we are born then?

"There are approximately 6.5+ billion people in the world. Approximately 2.5+ billion or 33% of that are professed Christians" well, thats a HUGE statistic to throw out there, the logistics involved of obtaining that figure are quite frankly impossible, where did you get that info from? and even if that figure was close to being accurate, its very general and nebulous. theres a world of difference between dedicated, practicing christians and professed christians. most of my mates would say on a census form for example that they are christian simply because they went to a catholic school or they got baptised when they were born.
jvalles69 said:
It does help, and yes I do believe 100% ever since I was a kid (just not actively, so yeah only recently a "christian"). Because I am knew to this and the way I am, I still habitually question things like this, but not to the extent that I don't believe it if that makes sense? Other things I've questioned are why there are so many gospels that were left out of the bible?

Sorry man I don't quite understand the question.. what do you mean by gospels being left out? Bear in mind that the word gospel means "good news"... and that's everything from the birth of Christ til His ressurection.

We can chat unless you want to keep it here. I just hope people will still buy my autos after I preach hehehe.
kidd05 said:
Believing that there is One true God is like believing in gravity. You can believe with all your heart and with all your might that there is no One God, or no heaven and eternal damnation for that matter, but the truth is, it's there. And when you die, you still face that truth. Just like what will happen if you don't believe in the law of gravity and you jump off a 20 story building. You fall, and you die.

also, thats not truth, thats just your opinion, BIG difference mate.
dont worry carlos your still my mate, just religions are so um........ oh hell i dont know the word im after , but as for the "all men are evil and are damned,that is well.... crap, my actions when i LIVE are those that define me and my soul not some religion telling me other wise, oh and the all "men" are evil, so does that give us girls a free ticket in to heaven... heheheh
I don't have a huge knowledge of Christianity as I have just recently become "active". What I mean is that, from what I've heard there were heaps of writings left out of the bible?
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