Lots of big announcements recently though. I like the idea of the "living rosters"
Check out this link for anyone that hasn't read the new info yet - NBA 2K9 Updated Hands-On: Living Rosters and Association 2.0 - Xbox 360 News at GameSpot
I was just reading about the Living Rosters!
I was amazed at this:
2K have employed someone full time, a real person, to keep track of the NBA over the course of the season and continually adjust the game to reflect the real life happenings. So say OJ Mayo turns out to be a disaster in the NBA, his ratings will take a tumble, and going even further, he may even lose his flashy dribble package or move specific animations he started with. On the other end of this spectrum is players who perform well may have their packages improved or if they develop a killer new move during the course of the season, it will be added into the game.
Obviously this won't work for the offline gamers, but those that are online, wow, what a feature!