Anyone interested in a small tourney for 2K9 on the 360? (PS3 owners can copy same methods, or make up their own if they like, sorry, but I'm a 360 man).
Thinking like a Playoff-styled event.
Say 8-10 teams.
Play, win, play on. Lose, you're out.
Nothing in it, other than bragging rights.
Players will be
randomed As will the teams. Best way to do this, is to have the players pick their top 3 teams each, then the top (8 or 10 depending on players) teams will be randomed for those players.
This way, there's no distinct advantage other than ability to play with good, great and average teams, and players.
With me so far?
Here's an outlook:
8 Players, 8 Teams.
Each player lists top 3 teams they'd like in the Tourney. Players will be randomed to how they appear on the playoff tree, where 1 plays 3, 2 plays 4, 5 plays 7 & 6 plays 8.
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
The top listed teams will them be randomed, and teams will be matched with players.
Games can be played at any time, but will probably introduce x amount of days to get it done, so there's no long waits for the next round(s).
Losers will go into an aditional tree to play off for the bottom pool, or something.
How do ya'll feel about this, and would you be interested?
If we get this up and running, I'll start a new thread with details of tourney, and contestants.
We can even run this longer if you wish, say best of 5 wins, rather than 1 win rounds.