When you think about it though.... starting a thread about being sick of hearing about him has just give yet another thread for people to talk about him!!:lol:


hahaha i just wanted to see if i was the only one that thought his cards prices were stupid! and now i cant buy boxes at a good price as wankers are going crazy bout him!! hahahaha
I think these prices will go up a lot.
Firstly, the strong Chinese economy, a fresh flush of new millionaires all throughout China.
The US economy is very weak, anyone remember paying double Beckett for a card ?
He's not a real All Star, but the first five is not the best, but the most popular. And China only has to produce 1.6 million votes to have him in the top spot. He will be the number one vote getter next year by over 5 million votes. He will start as the greatest vote getter of all time.
Basketball and the world is in China's hands, and Lin is their most favourite son.
Think of the sponsorship deals he'll do in China and Asia, he has 4 billion supporters. He is worth billions already.
Anthony Federico (@AntFeds)

I wrote the headline in reference to the tone of the column and not to Jeremy Lin’s race. It was a lapse in judgment and not a racist pun. It was an awful editorial omission and it cost me my job.

I owe an apology to Jeremy Lin and all people offended. I am truly sorry.

Actions speak louder than words. My words may have hurt people in that moment but my actions have always helped people. If those who vilify me would take a deeper look at my life they would see that I am the exact opposite of how some are portraying me.

They would see that on the day of the incident I got a call from a friend – who happens to be homeless – and rushed to his aid. He was collapsed on the side of the road due to exposure and hunger. They would see how I picked him up and got him a hotel room and fed him. They would see I used my vacation time last year to volunteer in the orphanages of Haiti. They would see how I ‘adopted’ an elderly Alzheimer’s patient and visited him every week for a year. They would see that every winter I organize a coat drive for those less fortunate in New Haven. They would see how I raised $10,000 for a friend in need when his kids were born four months premature. They would see how I have worked in soup kitchens and convalescent homes since I was a kid. They would see my actions speak louder than my words. They would see that these acts were not done for my glory, but for God’s. They would see that each day I live and will continue to live a life of joy and service.

It never has been or will be my intention to hurt anyone.

I wrote thousands and thousands and thousands of headlines in my five years at ESPN. There never was a problem with any of them and I was consistently praised as an employee – both personally and professionally. Two weeks prior to the incident I had my first column published on My career was taking off. Why would I throw that all away with a racist pun? This was an honest mistake.

It is also crucial that people know that the writer of the column had nothing to do with the headline. I wrote it and now I take responsibility for it.

I am actually a Knicks fan and an ardent supporter of Jeremy Lin. Not surprisingly, he has handled the entire situation with grace and class.

Now I have to find a new job and move on with my life.

My solace in this is that ‘all things work together for good for those who love the Lord.’ I praise God equally in the good times and the bad times.
^^ Sorry, but the "ch**k in the armor" headline was extremely distasteful and understandably offensive, and I find it hard to believe it wasn't picked up before it went live.... The fact this guy does or doesn't continually help others does not take away from the fact that whoever thought that headline was a good idea is a moron.
Why are people so sensitive? I wouldn't care if someone called me white trash? One of my best mates is Korean and we call him gook.
Why are people so sensitive? I wouldn't care if someone called me white trash? One of my best mates is Korean and we call him gook.

As if he is going to argue about his nickname when you are holding a gun like that
Why are people so sensitive? I wouldn't care if someone called me white trash? One of my best mates is Korean and we call him gook.

Comentators are calling Lin the Yellow Mamba, so calling him yellow trash probably wouldnt be racist.
Why are people so sensitive? I wouldn't care if someone called me white trash? One of my best mates is Korean and we call him gook.

It doesn't matter if one person or a thousand people think it's ok, if they get complaints, especially from sponsors or high power people then they have to act. They had a shitload of complaints when it went up at 1am or whatever it was and was down in 40 minutes. It's like TV commercials and people complaining about that crap. Will happen no matter what
It doesn't matter if one person or a thousand people think it's ok, if they get complaints, especially from sponsors or high power people then they have to act. They had a s***load of complaints when it went up at 1am or whatever it was and was down in 40 minutes. It's like TV commercials and people complaining about that crap. Will happen no matter what
Yeah, I hear ya. People love to complain, just like when I got asked to leave the art gallery because two old ladies thought tattoos were to offensive in a place like that , or on a more important example I'm not allowed in stip clubs with visable tattoo as its offensive to the girls hahaha
It doesn't matter if one person or a thousand people think it's ok, if they get complaints, especially from sponsors or high power people then they have to act. They had a s***load of complaints when it went up at 1am or whatever it was and was down in 40 minutes. It's like TV commercials and people complaining about that crap. Will happen no matter what
Yeah, I hear ya. People love to complain, just like when I got asked to leave the art gallery because two old ladies thought tattoos were to offensive in a place like that , or on a more important example I'm not allowed in strip clubs with visable tattoos as its offensive to the girls hahaha
Well I have Greek heritage and friends call me wog or whatever it's all good, because they are my mates and it's just a bit of a ribbing that goes between me and them and again they are my friends who's value to me has been shown time and time again.... But I would find it offensive if someone I didn't know used it, or ethnics were called wogs in the mass media....

It's racist and whether you believe it's an overreaction or not, it is never acceptable to label anyone with a racist slur/stereotype (especially publicly) and the backlash and subsequent retraction and sacking of the person who wrote it was extremely justified and it was most definitely not an overreaction.

regardless of you heritage/race, I'm sure you've a had a mate rib you about something or call you a "something" that you've laughed at but if some dude in a pub said it to you, you'd prob belt them.
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