No apology needed; sick of people worrying about being so PC.
Looks like a card that someone busted and was upset that they missed out on Wall and screwed the Lin upI wonder how long they search through the bin for that one
hahahaha rondo is the king stuff this Linsanity B.S... There is so much better out there playing on the court (-Westbrook - Chalmers - nash - kidd - walker) jebus shall i keep goingRondo 18 points 20 Assists and 17 Rebounds!!!!
Rondo 18 points 20 Assists and 17 Rebounds!!!!
I posted this on another board and I think it's worth mentioning here too:
No reason to hate! In fact, we should all be really thankful for Linsanity.
This is simply what happens when the general public starts going after things. In our little cubby of the world (especially in the past 15 years or so), there's only a few thousand people who are "serious" collectors that are dropping a lot of money.
Lin comes in and all of a sudden you have an influx of several more thousands of people who are interested in our hobby, except they don't have the benefit of knowing the trends and history of cards. They would be confused by why an All Time Greats Jordan auto numbered to 15 sells for $500, when an UD game jersey auto /23 goes for $15,000. Or how precious metal gems numbered to 100 sell for more than 1/1's.
Fact is, our hobby has never really made any sense, and never will. The fact that we have a "superstar" (if not due to actual ability then at least his drawing power and popularity) to revive interest in our hobby and put it in the news, well, that's awesome for us
In the short term, you're going to see those ridiculous prices.. People who don't really collect cards will pay $50 (which may not be a lot of money to them) for a base RC of Lin since they just want to have a piece of "history."
What I bet will end up happening is that you'll see a general increase in interest in our hobby.. Meaning Jordans will start selling for more, Lebrons, Kobes, etc.
It's natural that once the Lin fanatics come back down to earth a bit, they may be curious to see what else is out there. Those of us that have been chugging away at our collections will likely have plenty of chances to benefit if we intend to sell off stuff.
This is a fantastic post IMO...
It will be interesting to see how the Lin fanatics will view the hobby in 12 months when he's a back up pg and the cards they broke the bank on are selling for a third of what they bought them for. I am not hating but the fact is he is not that good, especially once he is worked out.... His play reminds me of D'antoni's coached teams (NBA) over the years.... When it's working it looks brilliant, when it's not it's as ugly as you will find.... and it will never win you a ring
The people who are buying Lin are not going to go searching for Kobe or what else they can buy, one point I have to disagree with.
There was a frenzy between people looking to flip, auction shillers and asian player collectors.
and here are some recently ended Yao and Yuta auctions
buyers will buy!!! lol
Are those prices supposed to be good!? lol.... I have no idea..
$44 for a Yuta Tabuse RC AU??????? WHo is he? Anywhere near the hype of Lin and 7 years later and he's probably working in a restaurant or something now and his RC AU is $44????? Good? Understatement lol