I fully believe Roddy Buckets (Rodrigue Beaubois) has more potential than Lin, and that was on show with NYK vs DAL earlier today. Roddy has got tremendous speed and athletic ability for a PG. Never seen such a good blocker of shots for his size.
This is a fantastic post IMO...

It will be interesting to see how the Lin fanatics will view the hobby in 12 months when he's a back up pg and the cards they broke the bank on are selling for a third of what they bought them for. I am not hating but the fact is he is not that good, especially once he is worked out.... His play reminds me of D'antoni's coached teams (NBA) over the years.... When it's working it looks brilliant, when it's not it's as ugly as you will find.... and it will never win you a ring

I'll be surprised if Lin ever drops to being a backup. He is really a solid player, and much better than the alternatives in NY (Baron Davis?). That said, it's obvious that he's not going to maintain his numbers as that would be virtually impossible now that Amare and Carmelo are back in the lineup.

As for the rest of it.. His cards will certainly drop in value. And maybe most of the people bidding on his stuff will take their "losses" and move on, but there will be SOME people who decide to look around and see what other cards they can buy, and maybe get sucked into the hobby like the rest of us.

The fact of the matter is that even with Derrick Rose, Kevin Love, Kevin Durant, and all the other new superstars we have in the league, none of them ever got basketball cards back into the NEWS. The last person to do that was probably LeBron's exquisites, but even then it wasn't nearly as huge as the Lin hype.

When our hobby is dying or at least not where it used to be, new blood is always welcome, even if their reasons don't make a lot of sense.
Wouldn't call him a solid player..... He exploits bad teams and gets done in by good teams. He's playing very very average against any decent team. He'll start in NY but there is a handful of back ups around the league that could start there too... Hype is all but dead, was always going to happen.
Good to see Lin get his pants pulled down again!!!! Knicks are a rabble, get yourself a decent coach!! I have never seen such an individual team with no flow and no structure especially with the $$ they have put out. Lin for MVP!!!! Spurs for title 11-12
hes a solid player, but even in this short period hes had some shockers. he needs to work a whole lot (which he seems more than capable of) to become more consistant overall while still keeping up his good numbers. time will tell if he becomes a really good baller. hes not one now 'cause he doesnt show up to the big games. linsanity seems to have started to die down already i think...
am i the only one that thinks this guy is getting to much hype!!

and dont even start me on his card sales..... look at this!!!

thanks to this rubbish boxes are going to rise so much :(

just me blowing off steam!!!!!
its crazy so crazy i sold 3 lin rookie cards on ebay and made me 152 bucks and they wernt even autos , but the good thing is i brought me 5 k love autos....haha i say thanks you mr lin:whistle:
Why do people like to shoot him down? Tall poppy syndrome!

I understand the overkill from the media on him but he's not trying to pretend he's the MVP or anything.

It is a great story and i will never get sick of hearing about him, especially since he is playing for NYK and trying his heart out.
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