i think we are all working on a bit of a "knee jerk reaction syndrome" here, so many deals have been done and how many have been dodgy? very few...for a community based trust system, this works exceptionally well, no matter what you do or where you go in life there will always be someone else there to rip another off...its life and it sucks i know and i really do feel for the guys that have been ripped off, basically its not fair!
A third party system sounds good but wouldnt really work, becasue ultimatley the 3rd party would be used as the "scapegoat" if anything went wrong and in 98% of cases that would be unfair...
If you are doing a large deal that you feel a bit uneasy about....dont do it or ask for some sort of measure to be put in place like a contact number/details and INSURED/REGISTERED POSTAGE! AND NO PAYPAL GIFTS!!!!
all we can do as abide by the site rules, be the best, honest person we can be and remember that karma is a ***** and what goes around comes around!!!
unfortunately people like steve come around every so often and are a huge disappointment, great guy and i had no probs with him, but leading up to the scam things did look a little dodgy with him (selling off all his pmg greens to me ant others!)