Things that piss me off

I bought a bunch of soccer boxes about about 18 months ago and opened one and left a couple for later (today).

Hit an auto /5 in the first box so I went on ebay and bought the base /5 as well to match them up.

Fast forward to today and I opened up the other boxes. As i am opening, i see another /5 in the bottom of the pack. Low and frigging behold its the same card i bought 18 months ago.

FML it was a shit player as well so what a waste
The postage and customs duty was annoying as it represented 35% of the overall cost but the card does not piss me off. Happy to finally get one.

And again. Had a buyer contact me last night. Wanted 14 cards. I have never been able to get ebay to sort out combined postage. I get him to send me which cards he wants and I put them in a bulk listing. He says he can't find the listing and lo and behold it's been flagged as a counterfeit - all cards packpulled and worth $3 each. The total value $40 for 14 cards. I told the buyer if he bought them individually I would have to refund $65( 13 cards) worth of postage which ebay still takes commission on even though I refunded the money. If that happens I'm paying 50% commission.

I shouldn't discount that this is some troll flagging the listing. If so I'll do a few myself and see if it works. Terrorist incoming.
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And again. Had a buyer contact me last night. Wanted 14 cards. I have never been able to get ebay to sort out combined postage. I get him to send me which cards he wants and I put them in a bulk listing. He says he can't find the listing and lo and behold it's been flagged as a counterfeit - all cards packpulled and worth $3 each. The total value $40 for 14 cards. I told the buyer if he bought them individually I would have to refund $65( 13 cards) worth of postage which ebay still takes commission on even though I refunded the money. If that happens I'm paying 50% commission.

I shouldn't discount that this is some troll flagging the listing. If so I'll do a few myself and see if it works. Terrorist incoming.
I just refund postage
I usually do if someone buys 4 items. It still sucks on really low value cards but I do it. However, I'm not refunding 13 lots of postage ($65) for $40 worth of cards. I would get $23 for my $40. That's absolutely f.....Close to 50% commission. There's buyers who I've made 40 card bulk listings for. Imagine refunding nearly $200 worth of postage? Ebay would get $30 just for the refunds which in a sane world would be classed as theft. I can put up with a fair amount of shit but I refuse to be bent over like that. I've spent weeks of my life talking to ebay over the last few years trying to get them to sort out my combined postage. Must have spoken to 20 reps. Never have they been able to sort it. Always excuses. Never a resolution. I genuinely believe they do not want to to.

My anger levels are currently through the roof. If you put a filthy rich smug ebay exec in front of me right now I'd be some chance of burying a claw hammer into their miserable skull Michael Myers style. See Halloween II for how it's done.
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And again. Had a buyer contact me last night. Wanted 14 cards. I have never been able to get ebay to sort out combined postage. I get him to send me which cards he wants and I put them in a bulk listing. He says he can't find the listing and lo and behold it's been flagged as a counterfeit - all cards packpulled and worth $3 each. The total value $40 for 14 cards. I told the buyer if he bought them individually I would have to refund $65( 13 cards) worth of postage which ebay still takes commission on even though I refunded the money. If that happens I'm paying 50% commission.

I shouldn't discount that this is some troll flagging the listing. If so I'll do a few myself and see if it works. Terrorist incoming.
I just let people add multiples to their cart and then request combined postage. Never tried to automate it - sounds like a headache
This is what has been killing me. It doesn't matter whether they put 2 or 20 cards in their cart. They can not access the "request combined shipping function' even though Ebay has repeatedly told me that I have combined shipping option available. They said that if a buyer is a guest or is ordering from the app then the combined feature will not appear as it is unavailable. Scummy move from ebay but ok. So that means if a buyer has an ebay account and they are not on the app the combined shipping option should appear - but it doesn't. They have tried it themselves multiple times when I've had them on the phone and all I get is: "that's interesting, I see what you mean. I'll make a note of it and pass it up to my supervisor". And that's where it ends. Every time.

I'm a dickhead to even offer these bulk custom listings. The amount of work that is required to do them is ridiculous. Not so much the making of it but I then have to delist the individual cards that are now in the custom listing and that can only be done by scrolling down every 100 listing page and finding them. If I want to revise a listing that's easy. Just type in the player and filter with nearest first and presto. But that method won't allow you to delist a card. You have literally scroll through all your listings. It's crazy on the eyes, lol. Actually it's not funny. I've never been involved with a dirtier company. If I had a life I wouldn't be dealing with them for one second.
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I did think of a workaround to my bulk listing being flagged as counterfeit and that is for me to charge $40 for one of the cards and then ship the 14 we agreed on in the bulk listing. That takes trust and only a regular that knows me would even contemplate that. I would prefer no sale than getting $23 from $40 and allowing ebay to make an extra $10 they have no right to and make me feel like a worthless pos into the bargain.

In a just world the aholes that run ebay would be in the dock.
Got a rookie year Liftoff Galactic Jaden Ivey on eBay for $4.25US plus post. Of course the seller refunds a couple of days later.

Saw it coming but disappointing nothing I can do about. Can’t even leave neg feedback.
When you choose to buy a box from of cards the site offering them at $84 over the one offering them at $120, and the box arrives unsealed.

Pissed off at myself because I should've expected it. And they weren't the only ones offering them at that price.

Was going to wait until Christmas but I might as well rip them now.

EDIT: lol ok, pessimist got the better of me. If it was a re-pack it worked in my favour.
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I’ve got this situation right now. The bastard had the nerve to say “too expensive”.

What can I do?
I am a weak little bitch and I just cancelled it and blocked them.

What I should do is give them a positive negative and say AVOID. NON PAYING BUYER. CANCELLED OFFER AFTER I ACCEPTED. AVOID!!!!

got his name?

I am a weak little bitch and I just cancelled it and blocked them.

What I should do is give them a positive negative and say AVOID. NON PAYING BUYER. CANCELLED OFFER AFTER I ACCEPTED. AVOID!!!!

got his name?

I do as they’ve bought off me before but I don’t think you’ll need to worry as it’s a non card item. Thanks for the advice
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