I think there was a glut of product this year. Just way too much stuff.
And a lot of parents complained about the prices. $2 per figure and now down to 50c, a lot of parents got burnt last year so either avoided it, or are going for it now. With the pricing, they've basically completely devalued the sets in the space of a month.
I personally love the mini figs and SOO dolls. Not fussed on everything else.
However, when you were paying $20 for SOO and they became $2.50, the mini figs were $2 and now 50c, the kicking game was $10 and now $2, folders were $10-12 and now $3...if you've bought all that stuff, and now see it at such reduced prices, you'd be a bit pissed orf. Thankfully, I waited all winter for the non micro fig stuff and now we've got them.
The one thing that did seem to go like hot cakes was the blow up doll ones. They brought them out, sold out pretty quickly and that was that.
As for the rarer figures...each series should have had different ones, not the same 4 across three sets. Early on, saw $25-50 prices for a gold. Now I wouldn't cross the street for a bagful.
Micros are great fun for kids and adults alike but they get the mix of figs, product range and pricing right, then it will last for years and years.