Not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, not 5, not 6, not 7... Cards?

In certain circumstances ..... yeah, i've done it. If a card is serially numbered then - technically - each card in the print run for that particular product for that particular year is unique. When it comes to jersey cards .... if i can get different colour swatches, i'll do it (I've got the Garnett T'wolves rainbow for his 2004-05 Hoops Great Shots Jersey hobby card -blue,black,white). Other than that .... if there is a clear difference in some aspect of the cards (variations in colour, foil, etc) i'll for sure get multiples. Defining clear comes down to how anally retentive you want to
sick thread idea.

had 5 of these (2 piping.. ) down to two now.
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