A rare double rainbow sighting...(okay, not so rare at all) lol


The (un)official PC Showdown Special Comments Guy
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No insane 50 Panini parallel rainbows on display here, thre is one Panini offering, but for the most part these are some older school parallel completions which were rather manageable. I find myself doing more of this type of collecting these days rather than PC building, as recent circumstances call for a bit more er, 'fiscal responsibility'. Without any further ado, we'll kick things off by getting the Panini stuff out fo the way first.

2012-13 Panini Timeless Treasures - Three Piece Puzzles - Brooklyn Nets all /199

The year before they brought in Paul Pierce, AK47 and Garnett.....and were 5 wins worse off beacause of it! Nice looking cards, but there;s no puzzle element to it at all, kind of a misnomer. Surprisingly hard to track down a complete set with at least one card not being held for ransom.....

Johnson Joe.jpg

Williams Der.jpg

Lopez B.jpg

For those who like reading the card backs....

Nets 3 Piece Puzzles (2).jpg

Group shot!

Nets 3 Piece Puzzles.jpg

2008-09 Topps Treasury Base Set - Base, Bronze Refractor /999, Silver Refractor /199 and Gold Refractor /50

Not a huge name, but Al Thornton did have a really strong first couple of years scoring the ball but that;s about all he offered. Also rumoured to have had a bad attitude. Nevertheless, I always liked the look and design of Topps Treasury, unique if nothing else.


Thornton A (3).jpg

Bronze Refractor /999

Thornton A (5).jpg

Silver Refractor /199

Thornton A (6).jpg

Gold Refractor /50

Thornton A (4).jpg

For those who want to read the card backs...

Thornton A.jpg

...and the group shot (just wish the made the bronze and gold a bit more of a stark contrast)

Thornton A (2).jpg

2008-09 Upper Deck - Starquest Rainbow. Commion, Uncommon, Rare, Super Rare. Ultra Rare and the Majestic. Also includes the First Edition Starquest. Nothign too hard to track down, but the majestics are an under-rated card imo, quite hard to get. I'll only post the Majestic as a solo card to save you some download time. lol

Shawn Marion - the Matrix! Normally I picture him on the Run n Gun Suns or as a Mavericks Championship player, looks a bit weird seeign him in the Heat colours to be honest.

Marion S (5).jpg

Marion S (4).jpg

Group shot one....

Marion S (2).jpg

Marion S (3).jpg

and the more impressive looking straight line group shot...just wished they added in a splash more colour.

Marion S.jpg

Marion S (6).jpg

As above, except this time it's for Superman himself - Mr Dwight Howard!

Howard D.jpg

Howard D (4).jpg

Group shot one....

Howard D (5).jpg

Howard D (2).jpg

And the more impressive straight line display...

Howard D (3).jpg

Howard D (6).jpg

Well that's about all for now folks, thansk for stopping by and having a read and a look. Likes and comments always appreciated. Keep posting those maildays people!
Love the Starquests. I need to work on the Olajuwon run of them myself.

What is the deal with the Panini Puzzles Pieces?

They don't say Puzzle Pieces anywhere on them, or am I blind?? They are die cut but not in a way you can join them, like say, I don't know, a puzzle? What were they thinking?

Other than that they are quite nice looking cards and a cool theme! Wouldn't it have been better to call them Team Trios, or something, anything, else...
Love the Starquests. I need to work on the Olajuwon run of them myself.

What is the deal with the Panini Puzzles Pieces?

They don't say Puzzle Pieces anywhere on them, or am I blind?? They are die cut but not in a way you can join them, like say, I don't know, a puzzle? What were they thinking?

Other than that they are quite nice looking cards and a cool theme! Wouldn't it have been better to call them Team Trios, or something, anything, else...

I'm fairly sure Olajuwon wasn't in that particualr set of Starquest for whatever reason, but I do knwo he was in the late 90s (red, green, blue) Collector's Choice Starquest set.

The Puzzle Pieces reference you'd only get if you look at the checklists, the die cut as far as I'm aware is just some random shape with no particular significance, and definitely not puzzle related. Come to think of it, even the numbering sequence serves very little value (7A, 7B, 7C) other than it converys that it is a mini set to complete. Teh cards do look nice though - quite bold, yet simple in a way. I think they woudl have looked good is a Brooklyn skyline or team logo format which you could peice together aka Panini Studio or the association icons.
great pick ups!!! are you going for the full set of starquests?? I'd like to complete the KD one and the cp3 cos the jersey on that he's wearing is sick.
great pick ups!!! are you going for the full set of starquests?? I'd like to complete the KD one and the cp3 cos the jersey on that he's wearing is sick.
I have a fair few of the rainbows complete, I was neverconsidering the Lebrons, Kobes or KDs of the set, butnow that I think how far I am complete - it might be a nice little side project for the master set.

...looks like this guy has alredy beat me to it!

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