Why is this posted?
Why is this posted?
But they don’t have a scanlen’s lisence which is why they poorly copy he logoThese are a much better looking cards! Cool old school.
100% correct - they dont pay licencing fees etc... either.But they don’t have a scanlen’s lisence which is why they poorly copy he logo
Why have you reposted a conversation that was relating to the regal numbered signature cards? Has nothing to do with the scanlen’s release. Unfortunately the cards on Facebook have come from one person doing a few signings, and a bloke who bought off him onselling them. Try to get Ben yourself, not that easy
Why have you reposted a conversation that was relating to the regal numbered signature cards? Has nothing to do with the scanlen’s release. Unfortunately the cards on Facebook have come from one person doing a few signings, and a bloke who bought off him onselling them. Try to get Ben yourself, not that easy
thanks for your feedback. Reckon we have a few who qualify as "greats" too, and a few more to come. I've got no problem with constructive feedback but don't think we'll be going the Tye DyeAs noted above you give the criticism when you see it due so cop it on the chin when others think it is due, try and improve your cards in the future, even if it is only on the front with better player photos. Needless to say, you said "we haven't been creative with the back", no S***, they are so cheap and amateur, why dont you try a tye dye colour and see how you go. lets hope there are some more greats of the game to come in this series?
we have that sorted now. Funny when I first noticed it I freaked but then so many of the Scanlens and even Select cards have been off centre I wasn't too stressed. Enough people have mentioned it now though so we know it was an issue. Check out the Bombers cards, and then the future releases and you'll see that's been sortedIf it’s constructive feedback you want then you need to work on that image centering. Get the basics like that right. Good card stock spoilt by the centering.
As noted above you give the criticism when you see it due so cop it on the chin when others think it is due, try and improve your cards in the future, even if it is only on the front with better player photos. Needless to say, you said "we haven't been creative with the back", no S***, they are so cheap and amateur, why dont you try a tye dye colour and see how you go. lets hope there are some more greats of the game to come in this series?
I also apologized for my comments directly to the person involved and don't see why anyone thinks they have the right to publish a conversation from another site on this forum.
Thanks for your response, I can appreciate the amount of effort and hard work that goes into a release, so wasn’t having a go about that. I think with all your past comments you should have just copped it on the chin. All this back pedaling when you should have just stood by your comments. It looks bad now since you have your own release and those same comments could pretty much be said about scanlens. You keep saying ‘conversation’, but these were comments posted on a pretty open page with thousands of collectors, similar to this one. Sure your 1st comment was about the buybacks, but the 2nd screenshot was about the general release and design of that series. Like another poster said in another thread, it’s just ironic since you were happy to dish it out back then but when it’s brought up, you cry persecuted. I think those same collectors have a right to question why they should purchase Scanlens, when your comments about a similar release with an overlap of players, can pretty much be said of your release now.yes I didn't like that product and commented publicly, something I stand by but in hindsight would not have done as I know how much work goes into these projects. A couple of facts: 1 - We contact all players, ask for permission, and pay them very well for their participation. 2 - We have the exclusive rights to produce Scanlens product. This has been paid for. We also pay Scanlens a royalty for every card produced, so these are actual Scanlens cards. 3 - I'm not doing this as a money grabber. I've collected signed cards for 20 years and players do not get rewarded and many older ones were paid next to nothing to play. 4 - For those who think Ben Cousins is signing everything I know for a fact I did a signing with him, and a guy in Perth has done a couple of signings with him, of which some were on sold to another dealer who flipped them so it looks like Ben is easy to get on whatever you want. I guess my answer to that is go ahead and try. It cost me a return flight to Perth, then a change of flight and extra night's accommodation as well as a lot of cash for the signing.
I hope people like our product, and I can assure you the cards are thick, foiled and look great in hand. We haven't been creative with the back as we wanted to keep it simple and being a new product we didn't want to jump straight in to picture puzzles, but we also wanted to highlight the Scanlens logo. We enjoy putting the cards together, and for me the main thing is getting to spend time with legends of our game and rewarding them financially for their time. There are many many more big names to come so stay tuned. Cards can also be purchased directly from me if you are struggling with other avenues, email me at spenrose@bigpond.com
I hope I've answered your questions, happy to discuss further.
I notice some of the players arent even wearing footy jumpers of the repsective clubs they played forNew Cousins West Coast Eagles and Richmond common cards
would have thought that the person signing is the most important endorsement. Some of the early pics were taken from Scanlens cards.no it would be a breach of copyright or trademark, if they did they would have to seek afl and club approval and then pay a fee. apart from them not wanting to pay a fee there is only one afl endorsed collector card license and select has that. teamcoach has a license to produce afl game cards like the old trumps cards, thats how they got around the 1 license issue, hence no signature cards. bewick 4 quarters bought out signed puzzles in 1995 also a way to get around the 1 license issue.
the player pics could be better pics for sure, some of the players look like they are midgets, or have no arms or legs.lol
the cards are endorsed by the person signing them only, and they payed to use the scanlens logo, they wont get it again given the design of their cards???
Not that I care as I won’t buy one but it’s a shame to see a player rush a signing, pathetic effort from Maxwell. At least the centering appears to be better this time round.