NEW Scanlens release 2019

if you think the centering is bad, there's a reason you dont get a pic of the back of the cards?
were designed by grade 1 or grade 2 kids......

unblvble this is the back of one of the $100 signature cards, i like the pink. lol

if you think the centering is bad, there's a reason you dont get a pic of the back of the cards?
were designed by grade 1 or grade 2 kids......

unblvble this is the back of one of the $100 signature cards, i like the pink. lol

this is the back of the Harv Time Signature Series cards - thoughts

this is the back of the Harv Time Signature Series cards - thoughts

Much better, but I suspect because Rif/Harv Time are involved and their QC for cards and posters is pretty good. Got to love every time you post “thoughts”, there’s no interest like self int$rest ey?
Much better, but I suspect because Rif/Harv Time are involved and their QC for cards and posters is pretty good. Got to love every time you post “thoughts”, there’s no interest like self int$rest ey?
its always good to get feedback on products to see where they can be improved. both negative and positive. Do you agree?
I thought Scanlens went out of business years ago..there is a company in America producing cards with the partial Scanlens logo on them...they are just a backyard manufactured series of cards

Acheron Mints 2016 Inside Sixties.jpg

Acheron Mints 2016 Inside Seventies.jpg
Old Ben will sign a bus ticket if you gave it to him, there must have been 60 or 70 cards for sale on facebook the last week that he has signed.
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