Macca 13 Kicks 16 Handballs 8 Marks 10 TACKLES!! That guy is a leader more so than Neita at the minute.
also Jones, McLean and Davey all laid 9 tackles.
McLean has been out for 8 weeks and he lays 9 Tackles, him and Robbo make the world of difference.
hey shoes what if your team..who do you barrack for again,oh thats right,what if they were 0-9,dont think you would be so cocky then id reckon,i think you only saying this stuff other teams,ex..demons.ect,because the pies are winning,maybe they will make the finals,and the pies supporters dream will come true,another grand final lost.![]()
Shoes I do have a question (off topic from previous posts) who is kicking all your goals this year? I haven't been able to see any of your games yet and at the start of the season would have tipped you for bottom 4 simply because I didn't see you as having a potent forward line (which is clearly not the case). Just curious mate, who are the ones doing it or is it driven by the midfield?
(Like I said, this is right off the topic from previous posts, not having a go at you or the wobbles at all, simply asking your opinion!)