Im surprised to see Wardy and Godfrey being delisted; the rest I havent heard of, and in a season where you win only a handful games, to not be in the senior side towards the end of the year means your toast.
I would be surprised if Godfrey isnt picked up by another team, same with Ward.
With Neaves being delisted, you couldnt get rid of Jamar as well, so he lives to see another day.
Hmmm perhaps the delisting of Neaves is further sign the Brendon Lade is coming on over? First he names us as 1 of 2 or 3 he'd like to go to, 2nd his former assitant coach becomes our coach, 3rd we ditch a rookie ruckmen...seems more likely!
I didn't even know there was a hint fo Lade wanting to leave PA?? Why would you? PA has more premiership chances than Melbourne in the forseeable future!
What can I say, some players just want to come to a team with culture, herritage and pure aged quality![]()
By why Melbourne then
I cant understand why a SA boy would leave his home state in his 30's to play for a team that held up the ladder, when his current team is a big chance to win the flag. But thats just me.
You will see the benefit of getting rid of Ward and Godfrey long term. Ward is actually pretty hopeless, Melbourne always seem to play bad when he plays. Turns the ball over out of half back a lot, despite racking up disposals. Godfrey is more likely to be picked up by someone I'd say. Pretty decent tagger at times, and has held some big names very quiet.
I have no idea where you heard about the whole trade thing with Lade nenjabin. He signed a new two year deal with Port only about 1-2 weeks ago. Ladey looks like one of those players that would just stay with the one club his whole career.