He probably should get a few weeks for it, I voted 1-4 weeks, probably 3 to 4. But in my opinion Slater contributed to the whole thing several time: First by sliding in, when the most likely result to his actions are Perrett gets hurt and still scores; and secondly, instead of just taking the push from Inu, he had to burr up and start pushing back. Slater has form sliding in with knees prominent, if not leading. If he wants to continue that, he should be prepared for some blow-back. I personally was happy with him just getting sat on his arse which happened initially, and that be the end of it. But both teams kept going with it, so what happens, happens. But if he really wants to stop those tries being scored, he should try getting in better position to do it without tempting fate. And if he can't do that, just stay on your feet and make the kick as close to the side-line as possible. As I said earlier, he can continue the way he's going, but don't get offended when you get a bit of blow-back...