I saw "Accepted" the other night...
very funny, a bit cheesy at times, but the best part for is the insinuation that having a university in a old mental hospital is completely absurd... the Sunbury campus of Victoria University is in a old mental hospital very funny
Overall, not a bad movie, about a 4 out of 5
I just watched Hostel 2While I don't think it's as good as the first one and it ends kinda silly, it's very cool. Eli Roth goes with the same concept, the 'Elite Hunting' scenes are super gory but it's all chicks this time, so two thumbs up
Saw the advanced screening of Transformers last night (apparently before america) and man it is farking awesome.. it recieved 4/5 stars i hear.. but i'd give it 4.5.. very entertaining from all aspects, great special effects, great story line, great humor, great chick.. the only thing i didnt like was the australian girl who was in it that's where the .5 went from my rating.. just didnt seem right.. other than that well worth seeing.. AGAIN AND AGAIN!!
yeah it was greatexcept that they stuffed up the names of a character, they had devastator (who we all remember as the constructicons' gestalt form - then they had bonecrusher as a separate one, who was part of devastator, like they were not connected