Been there, done that, know how hard a job it is so have no interest in doing it. People do it for free and all they cop is criticism from people who just like to cause problems. IMO this is the best moderated forum I've been on, and yet all you people are still complaining. .
I agree Bargey and I think that's a first!!
I would never wanna do the job - for free - and sorting out squabbles can't be fun. We all have lives outside this forum (well except for Jimbo...

) and having to mod a website? - not in my wishlist.
The shitfight with Justdabestcards obviously has history that we don't know about as Hill33 said. None of my business and I'll back their judgement on that.
Yesterday myself and another member had a disagreement and it was debated healthily (sp?) with a mod watching over and finished. No harm done (I don't think) - this is how it should be.
One pt I do agree on is when yze was here - he shoulda been given the flick a bit sooner but no ones perfect.
If for some reason 11 members were made to form a jury and someone gets the arse for something, there will be even more personal clashes b/c there'll be accusations of all sorts ie 'ljandkg voted me off b/c of this...etc'
I think the whole site would disintegrate into a pool of verbal diarhoea.
I can see yr point about heavy handed comments JZA but like I said - there's obvioulsy a history with what happened yesterday....
Just my 2 cents from across the Tasman.
By the way - anyone forget the effort Chad put into organising to help a member in need just a week ago?? That sort of effort is out of this world and has been too quickly forgotten IMO....