My theory Is why couldn't select just keep all the highest numbers then e.g 50/50 150/150 200/200
That way collectors have a chance at the #1s
Simple Grant ownes Select & he is a collector - So why can't he keep whatever No he chooses.
My theory Is why couldn't select just keep all the highest numbers then e.g 50/50 150/150 200/200
That way collectors have a chance at the #1s
Lol, most card producers keep the No.1??? Where are those facts from?
I'm sure most card producers keep No1 in their museum or private Stock.
do you know what your talking about dr grange ?
Prove me wrong - Show me where there is all the No1 Sold or 4 sale.
I'm sure whatever No they keep it is always the same & I personally don't see a problem with that.Topps, Panini, Upperdeck, Leaf, Rittenhouse all dont. Footycards did not hold on to the #1's in their Draft Prospects release this year.
Owen that to me looks like a 1/1 card so no other exist.
Show me were the owner of a company dosen't do what he wants.
Prove me wrong - Show me where there is all the No1 Sold or 4 sale.
APCS- Keep all the No1s & last No of the run. Also Select don't keep the Jersey No they Release them.
I'm sure most card producers keep No1 in their museum or private Stock.
I don't know why everyone is worried about it. Grant puts up big money to produce his products & takes all the risks!!
Im sure if i spent more than 30 seconds looking i could find them.