I can't believe this.... how am I going to be able to contain myself.... I need to delete the internet... stop trying to tempt me!!!!
Unfortunately didn't do very well in my Premier group break spots either, so a bit disappointed there, thinking I should have just bought a box or 2 for the price I paid...
Guess I'll stay away from the physical breaking and pick some up once they hit epacks in a few months.
Now to figure out how to rob a bank to afford everything elseor... I could just win OzLotto next week, $50mill should be enough to get me through the next few months
So much to choose so little dollars!!!
I picked up 3 packs and managed to snag a sketch and a triple costume, but with the base being digital only I doubt I will be picking up any more of this, its just too steep with and looking at the price of the triple on ebay I will be lucky to get my pack price back for it, considering its an SP thats just insanely poor value