I had a similar experience Sharky, I bought about 12 packs and got a not much, couple of parallels and a strange moments insert and a couple of behind the lens ones. Pretty disappointed.
I honestly hope they dont put Gems on ePack, they seem to be going down hill fast in the quality department for non-sport releases on epack. Goodwins was average, CA was poor and Dr Strange is an aweful substitute for the physical release. I read on another forum that they seem to be targetting the "Retail" market with these ePacks - which seems strange because with the release of MM, they smashed it out of the ball park, sold out in like 3-4 weeks of release and had a heap of people visiting the site constantly.
It might even simply be a ploy to drop cheap junk on there so that when they do have another MM type release that is sort after, they get heaps of side sales from people wanting more of that release, as I am sure they got a lot of people buying the hockey & alien stuff that they wouldn't have had they not joined to get MM stuff.