Anyone tried Upper Deck Epacks?

Here is a list of Wants/Haves - i'm only looking for base set + assorted cards for 2 characters (Black Panther + Hela)
Willing to trade out the other inserts i have

UD user : andrewm6691

Yeah !, completed base #1-81, wow that was interesting
(82-90) would be cool, looks to be expensive, wait & see

Willing to trade other cards i have (on UD) for base set needs
Gold foil : 3,7,31,34,35
Sketch : Spiderman sketch by Ken Racho (would like to trade for Printing plates)

Looking for
Black Panther#65 - Red Spectrum 1/1 *not likely, on Ebay for US$500 OBO :(
Black Panther #4 Buy back Autograph
Any BLACK PANTHER - Printing plates

Hela #7 - What if (Autograph)
Hela #7 - Red Spectrum 1/1 *keep the dream alive

Any HELA - Printing plates

Printing plates - I'm interested, depending on plate, let me know what you have & see if we can work out a deal
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Cheers, yep have been in communications with this seller & also the sellers on UD for Hela/Panther related plates

Its a bit of a frenzy at the moment, folks who are genuine with their trade offers & others are down right savage, looking for everything & offering little in return :)
I think I saw a hela yellow plate on COMC yesterday
I just went and had a look it appears to be on sale for $40 odd which is reasonable compared to the other plates for sale...

I picked up half a dozen base yesterday for a couple of bucks in total lowest card was 40c which is crazy if you ask me

Cheers, yep have been in communications with this seller & also the sellers on UD for Hela/Panther related plates

Its a bit of a frenzy at the moment, folks who are genuine with their trade offers & others are down right savage, looking for everything & offering little in return :)
Yeah, not a bad price, Yellow is probably the worse looking plate of the lot, i've sent the seller a msg, wait & see
Your right, you can easily fill your lower level base cheaply, the comc system is so easy, affordable shipping & reliable

I just went and had a look it appears to be on sale for $40 odd which is reasonable compared to the other plates for sale...

I picked up half a dozen base yesterday for a couple of bucks in total lowest card was 40c which is crazy if you ask me
hey mate, if I have any of the stuff you need shoot me a trade, I managed to finish off my sets yesterday, so now I'm looking for sketches/autos/inserts/purple etc.. happy to do a bulk trade if I have stuff your after

Username: Xazark
Cheers, just had a quick look
You have 4 base cards on my wishlist 74,84,85,88
I dont have much only some Alien base/What if/Gold foils, let me know if you would consider trading 1/one or some ? my user andrewm6691
The sketch i have is currently on hold, working out a deal for a plate (tbc)
hey mate, if I have any of the stuff you need shoot me a trade, I managed to finish off my sets yesterday, so now I'm looking for sketches/autos/inserts/purple etc.. happy to do a bulk trade if I have stuff your after

Username: Xazark
Managed to complete my Marvel Base Tier 1, 2, 3 - cards #1-81, got love that on line trading
Dont know whether i will try to complete Tier 4 (cards #82-90), they are all shortprints, seem to be going for some ridiculous $$'s

Meanwhile, if anyone has any Marvel plates they are looking to sell, please let me know, might be interested, thanks
I see epacks added Goodwin champions to the store now has anyone have any interest in this?

I grabbed a couple of packs to see what it was like and pulled the following:

de6e6ad0-b912-412d-b04c-250dd0ac9a8f.jpg de6e6ad0-b912-412d-b04c-250dd0ac9a8fb.jpg d2b93c5e-dc66-41ca-907b-f6a6a6931c1f.jpg d2b93c5e-dc66-41ca-907b-f6a6a6931c1fb.jpg
I'm curious as they have some interesting things in those sets, but have to say most of the people in it I've seen so far I haven't really known...

Still, might be tempted at some point.
some good autographs in the list CM Punk, Lebron, Meisha Tate a bunch of us Olympians Bret Hart... but most of them are unknown to me too, I just grabbed a few packs to see what it was like
yea I've grabbed a few packs, managed to get a supernatural, which I hear are rare and have had a few trade offers, but only around the $5 value so if it is really that rare I can't see the value in US $5/pk to pull a "rare" item that is only worth the price of 1 pack..

From what I understand the base also have to be combined up in order for them to be physical cards, i.e. you need to combine 10 of a single card before its transferrable out of the epack system. This seems crazy stupid to me, I have no interest in paying for jpegs of cards....
Had a go seeing the packs aren't too expensive. Got a bunch of skiers and golfer base, though there was a Lebron and Tiger woods in there. You're right on the combining Daniel, but looks like its 20 base to trade up...

The only real hit I got was this one-


Might go back if I feel the itch to bust something, but it won't be in a hurry...

Kind of hoping we might see some marvel movie sets listed some day...but that mightn't be good for the wallet!
I heard that Marvel Gems is coming later this month, although it looks quite high priced, so not sure the value is going to be there. Dr Strange should hit in Nov/Dec too
i did some investigation on the hits I got, the auto is worth about 6 bux, but the historical booklet has asking prices up to about $200 si I guess unless you hit a well know auto I am not sure if there is value in this set.
nothing on comc apart from the front and backs from what I have seen.

on a side note if anyone wants my base cards your welcome to them
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