Anyone tried Upper Deck Epacks?

Anyone gotten stuck into Spiderman yet?
Yes.... I bought 3 packs initially and got a sketch and was like, yep Im done, great hit, should just leave it there because it wont get better... I didn't.... But as expected I should have, here are the main hits so far:

wow nice, I bought three packs and got three silver foils and 1 Marvel Metal Silver,

I like the base set too.

think my luck was used on guardians lol
Saw the price for Spidey is even higher than GoTg2, sheesh. Anyway the aussie dollar is up so I bought a couple LOL, didn't get anything exciting, just base and a couple of inserts inserts. Bought one pack of Guardians and got a nice quad, so that wasn't bad going. Have started using COMC now as a mailbox service for ebay buys, so might have to transfer some stuff to ship home soon.

GotgQuad1 (Medium).jpg
And because I have no willpower and thought maybe my luck had changed, I bought another Spidey and 2 more GotG. Nothing in the spidey really, but got this cute little guy in GoTG.

BabyGroot (Medium).jpg
Nice hit on the GotG stuff, I like those groot roots also seem to think guardians has hit better for me then spidey too
loads of Spidey on COMC now, and fairly Cheap to with base starting from US$0.30 I might just slowly build a set through there
Realised over the weekend that I have purchased just over $400US in these cards and would be lucky to have cards worth $150 in return..... definitely finished with these, may pick a few up on comc or try to trade for some, but 100% not busting any more packs
Waiting for elite to hit I bought two packs one Gotg and One Spidey

not to bad I think with a Nebula Galactic Garb (one I didn't have) and a Michael Koelsch #78 Shriek Gold Foil Web Auto Parallel

gotg20170803_Nebula.PNG sm20170803_Shriek Auto.PNG

gotg20170803.PNG sm20170803.PNG
Nice hit! Although I have found it hard to trade my coin card for something I like amd in saying that as well, there isn't that much high end stuff that interests me even the sketches there are nice ones but I only want specific characters so makes it harder to find quality ones I would want to add to the PC
They look like they go for ok money too but I must admit I am not really a fan of them, its novel but I think I would of rather something else..

hell I am finding it hard to trade anything at the moment I would like to get more guardians garbs or something like that.
yea I am finding it hard to trade as well, getting a few small trades here and there but mainly people trying to rip others off.

I sent a trade offer the other day to someone the other day looking for MM16 cards, couple of inserts worth about $15 taking a heap of spiderman base and 1 insert worth about $10 and got a couter offer for the same cards I wanted, but about $200 worth of MM16 cards. Some people are just greedy and its ruining the trading side of things - even tried to sell a few cards directly on epacks and haven't had any interest, even for some lots for $1-3 which I thought would be snapped up, meh I need to start saving for Marvel Premier to come on epacks, sketches are about the only thing I like at the moment.
yeah I know the pain funnily I just received a trade for some Gotg Commons, he wants 5 my cards and he has given me 10 but the 5 he picked are all the "High Number" character/poster cards which fall ad odds of 1:3 or 4 and he has given me 10 base cards with not a single main cast member pictured..

pretty weak for a virtual card

I think I am gonna go to comc, spidey stuff is so cheap and can put a set together for less then half a dozen packs.
the big problem with COMC is the per card charge, without it a spidey base set would be about $5-10, but the extra 25c per card charge to get them shipped to you means that its more like $30-35, which is still not too bad and definitely much better than trying to put together on epack. I think they need a way to combine a full set as 1 item instead of having to list each card individually.
Went a few packs of stuff last week, still didn't get anything great. About the only thing decent was a Drax relic. Have to laugh, got an EX insert in Spiderman that set off the buzzer and red flashes. Check it out on COMC and Ebay and it's worth about a buck!
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