There are a lot of good lifting tackles done where players don't land on their head that would get penalised under your view.
When they banned the choulder charge you could still see some good shoulder charges where there was no contact to the head getting penalised due to a blanket ban on shoulder charges.
For both shoulder charges that hit the head and and tackles that go beyond the horizontal there needs to be some tougher penalties. To do a blanket ban on lifting tackles will see a similar thing as shoulder charges with good tackles being penalised due to a ban.
I disagreed with banning shoulder charges at the time, but in hindsight it was the right call - with all this concussion stuff that's come out since.
So I don't have an issue with removing all leg lifting tackles, regardless of whether they go wrong or not. Player safety should be the top priority, and it's too easy for it to go wrong.
Besides, nobody would even miss them - no-one goes to a game hoping to see a player upended, like they used to hoping to see a massive shoulder charge!