ESP NRL Traders 2014 Thread - Checklist Added (Pg 18)!!!

Just got a binder and in it was AGS14. It's just a purple card with 2014 Galactic Stars on it and lenticular printing but doesn't actually seem to do anything. I am a bit WTF? Can someone enlighten me?

EDIT: I am assuming, to make it a 18 card set, they made #s 5 and 14 the middle card so 9 and 9 in 2 9-pocket pages. Am I right?

EDIT 2 : ok…carry on. Now have to decide if I shoplift another 17 binders to get the full set of AGSs or sell this one. Hmmm...

If you get on well with your Newsagent they will allow you to open the binder & check the card...
The Newsagents in my Area Are a bit sick off me coming in opening up folders.
In one yesterday i opened 4 folders and then just walked out after already having the cards in them.
And i noticed The lady give me a strange look.:oops:
just a quick question with the album, just picked mine up today and when i pulled the two packets off the actual folder it has left alot of glue residue, anyone else had this problem and whats the best way to remove it. i heard Eucalyptus oil but not to sure if it will damage the actual folder.

Hey Dave

Does it work on all the albums?

Worked ok on a 2012 champs album.
I just dapped small amount on a chux cloth repeatedly and rubbed carefully till all the glue came off

One thing I noticed this glue on the traders it Seems different to what select used this one leaves an oil residue at least it did on my albums.
havent seen any albums without the packs on them, then again who am i to talk. i only found out that the 2014 card set was out yesterday lol.
There is a product called (goop off) available from bunnings that works well.

This product is also great for the endless amounts of top loaders with sticky tape residue.

1 : Does goop off work on 2 and 1/2 year olds?

2 : LOL…so true!!!

3 : Does anyone recommend a product to wipe kids fingerprints of Apple Macs and flatscreen TV? [just PM me :-) ]
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