There is a charge for screw downs/toploaders, its $2 for processing instead of 50c... As easy as dealing with Nathan and COMC is, the toploader situation is still an issue for me, not a big one, but after all the initial feedback and the promise of a solution it just seems it has been put in the "too hard basket" I am yet to hear of any developments to a pure mail forwarding option which was alluded to around the time of Nationals, but nothing has come of it... If it is not going to happen, then fine - let us know... dont just ignore it hoping it will go away... I am still happy overall with the COMC experience and will continue to use/recommend it, just wanting FINAL T&C's.... there seems to have been more policy on the run with this then Rudd's election campaign
So let me get this straight? In regard to the valuable cards sent in toploaders regardless of 20c paid or not, is this policy or just if COMC feel like it? what value gets a top loader regardless, what doesn't? If I don't pay 20c a card, does that mean those of $X value and above will be sent in toploaders or not? there seems to be a precedent set here but others have said they received none in toploaders??? If one of us requests items to be shipped without adding toploaders and they receive good value cards without protection, do they have a right to be upset because COMC have sent others protected cards at no additional costs and seem to be flirting with the idea of precedent, or should they know the T&C's better and just deal with it?
Also be prepared that the days of asking for base/filler to be donated (not charged processing for) are numbered due to recent email communication I have had with Nathan and he has requested that we notify sellers not to send additional cards (which I have started doing) soon it seems these will be charged processing for, whether we paid/asked for them or not... I also will add, I have no problem with requesting sellers no to add additional, I mean I had 20 base sent with a $2 auto... It does take effort and time to dispose of these, I am just giving everyone a heads up