Revealing the completion of my "not so big" set

And please show up ur crazy pennny in here ed hehehe...
lol, wrong room mate hahahaha.

Awesome on card auto set!
thanks mate, appreciate it :D

The set looks great buddy. Congrats on getting it all done!
yep looks great. thanks and appreciate it :D

Those are some very nice looking cards in hand - scans and pictures don't do them justice. Jus tout of interest which ones were the hardest to get? If it's only 36 cards might be tempted to do it myself!
thanks mate. yeh you should do that mate. it's fun. took me around a year to be able to put them together. the last card i got was the mj. and the hardest cards are amare, melo, garnett, tmac, as well as trio mj, lebron, kobe. those are the tough cards as long as i can remember. as for the small names, you can get them dirt cheap :D
go for it man, and if you need any help, don't hesitate to contact me just in case i have a lead on something :)

Def don't talk it down. I'm a long way off completing anything like that. Impressive work!
thanks mate. just don't want people to be too excited or hoped for something bigger. that's all hahaha.

Yah they look really great, must be great knowing you've got the whole set.
thanks a lot mate :D
yeh i'm happy to be able to complete the set. can't do it without the help from the community :)
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