Is it hard to complete base set and how do I get as much autograph I can get this year in Brisbane I know there not out till march but just want to know
Is it hard to complete base set and how do I get as much autograph I can get this year in Brisbane I know there not out till march but just want to know
Buy a box and you will be guaranteed a base set and then some. Local Card Shop at the Gabba will have stacks.
Alternately, most base sets are easily able to be purchased for $10-$15 + postage. I think Gold Coast Trading Cards usually run a pretty good deal on a base set and folder.
As for IPs, I don’t chase them. Local SEQ teams should be easy but I would review the draw and try and workout if a visiting team has an open session while in Brisbane. Some clubs are funny and only allow members to attend training sessions.
Magic Round is your best bet as there will be plenty of promo opportunities for fans.
All things considered, it is a tough task but achievable. Good luck and don’t be a ‘sig pig’ who gets players to sign multiple cards and then flips them for $$.
Is it hard to complete base set and how do I get as much autograph I can get this year in Brisbane I know there not out till march but just want to know
I can supply you at no cost a box of unsorted Commons from the 2025 NRL Traders / Titanium release if you are willing to pick them up on release day ..
PM me if interested ...