The COMC style of operations is still possible, I can envisage being an home-office operations (large home) so cost is pretty minimal. One thing which I cannot get my head around is the labour intensive of such operation ie scanning every single card. Unless MandC Perth or Goldcoastcards can tell me a faster way of scanning, I can't imagine one of us sitting on at home scanning every single card.
Agree with Adam, the business plan is always the first step to attract investors. Without that, there is absolutely no way anybody would just give us some money. At this point, the business plan do not have to be in full detail. From a financial perspective, I know we need to raise enough capital to last at least 2-3 years cash burnt. It is not hard to do up costings when we have some sort of agreement on what we are undertaking.
Again, with any new business or set-up, capital must be raised. They must be prepared for that.