Thanks for all the responses chaps. Looks like there is a lot of support for something like this. For those that want a Australian COMC site, as I said I'm all for that as well, but just think there is a lot more to that venture to consider.
To get a website in this format costs $2995 USD to set up and $495 pa for support. Does not include hosting services.
There are many commercial auction scripts out there that can be purchased a LOT cheaper than that and with no annual fees either. Most certainly a custom solution would be best, but with the amount of work that would take it's not worthwhile considering that until we know if the site will be a success. I'm sure the site will run just fine on one of the available scripts available; if it starts outgrowing the current software and the site is generating income then we can look at developing a custom solution.
I'd be more inclined to either have a mini auction site within OCT or a linked or parallel site to it.... I could definitely help out by being on the 'board of governors' and contributing a heap of stock for sale but I'd have to draw the line at making a financial commitment or 'investment' - doesn't sound like an overly commerical venture and if it came down to donations I'd rather help the blind, deaf or those more disadvantged than us cardboard indulgers! heh heh Depends on cost - don't really have any idea how much websites cost to setup and manage. How much would an Australian COMC site cost just for the web setup?
The thing about linking it within OCT is that it would just be looked at as "just a part of OCT" and won't have it's own identity; so I'm personally not really fond of that idea.
As for financial commitments.... well, not asking for donations at all. Basically looking for a team of people to "own, run and manage" the site, all these people will be equal owners and all share any costs involved and also share in any revenue as well. If the site starts to become successful then I'm sure we can get something official drawn up to cover the legality of it all.
Setting up an Australian COMC type site would probably be very costly as there likely isn't any commercial software available for a site like that so either I would have to develop something like that myself or we would have to pay someone else to do it; either way is costly, financially or time-wise on my part. That's another reason why setting up an auction based site would be easier as there already is a lot of auction software out there already which would suit the site for startup purposes.
I'm in agreeance though about keeping the site aimed at a niche, rather than everything like ebay/quicksales.

Much more chance at success I would say.
So anyway...... seeing as I can now see that the idea has a lot of support, I would like to garner just what type of support it has.. the site would need a few different levels of support; which are you?
Investor/Owner - You would have an equal say in everything that goes on with the site, share any related costs for the site and share any revenue made and be a part of the "BOG"

. Also promote the site in anyway that you can and as much as you can.
Site Supporter - List many of your cards on the site and also bid on any cards that interest you to help raise the activity level of the site and show prospective sellers that the site has buyers too. Also promote the site in anyway that you can and as much as you can.
Site Promoter - Promote the site in anyway that you can and as much as you can.
I'm sure if the site becomes successful we can "give back" a little to the site supporters/promoters that helped build the site, in the future by giving them a lifetime reduction on final % fees or no % fees on their auctions (or however we decide to charge one day).
So anyway..... if you guys could let me know what kind of support level you would be interested in we can get this ball rolling!