No, you attacked a person with Eddie House as his avatar picture..... I didn't see the one with Brett (The Iverson/OKC Fan)
Did I say brutal, no I said you attacked someone over their knowledge. You seem to get upset at the fact people don't agree with your opinion so you tried to be little him... keyword being tried....
There is a LOT of basketball fans that rate the Spurs as a boring team, it's a general consensus amongst most NON Spurs fans.... But 99% of those people, like me, also acknowledge what they have done and the fact it has worked for them in every way possible.... I don't mind watching them at all, especially when they are playing top teams, like Miami and Chicago for example, 2 totally different styles of ball out on the court is great to watch......
Most fans understand that Defense is a massive part of the game, myself included, while the 90's Bulls teams had the offense there they had great defenders and role players too, just like the Spurs, exposing opposition on both ends of the floor. But most fans, other then watching there own teams play, prefer to watch basketball that is played at a fast pace and highly offensively orientated! So a team like the Spurs will get the boring label, no need to get annoyed over it, just look past it and enjoy your team for what it is, a great team.... Others opinions will always be there, some times a lot stronger then the one you have, it's a part of life.