Ahh, the old 'rings = greatness'. This does work until someone points out that then Bill Russell is the GOAT, and Horry is better than Jordan as a modern day player...and Satch Sanders is better than both of them! At least West is the equal of LebronBah bah bah, I hate individual stats in sport, Kobe has 5 rings west the 1. End of the day sport is about winning, west is a 6'2 white boy who would be embarrassed by Kobe at 6'6 and 10 times the athleticism. No comparison. Look at this way who would you rather guard?? Kobe, good luck.

Greatness takes into account rings, and athleticism, and stats, and attitude...which is why it is so contentious. I'm not right in my beliefs, others are not wrong in their beliefs...unless someone mentions Jeff Lamp as the greatest Laker of all time...we just have different opinions. Kinda glad I haven't brought up the fact that I don't think Jordan is the greatest...and struggles to make the top 3 in my list!