Every game we play against Orlando is "hoping to win". Its very obvious that they got our numbers as shown in the first 2 games... If we can remember how the top seed Mavs lost to the 8th seed GSW a couple of years ago, I believed that you will understand what I mean.
We are favourites going into this series but I gotta accept the reality that Orlando has a better chance of winning because of the players they have...
Our only way of winning this seires is if Orlando loose focus specially their coach who likes to say things that he should probably kept it to himself...
PS: Sorry, I didnt mean to post this here...
I was only poking, since yesterday how you said you knew the Cavs would win it, before the shot from LBJ...
But on topic, yeah you can be top dog, but on the day someone can always have your number.
wow today was a classic kobe bryant "im not gonna let my team lose this thing and im gonna will us to victory cause i want it soooo bad" kinda playoff performance... well done kb24
i think he thought long and hard about lebrons exploits yesterday and thought to himself... "im the best player in this league, watch and see why"... especially you jerry west lol
if anyone didn't realise, the melo comment was sarchasm, he's 0-7 atm...
Crowd would want to be lively because this is their season on the line. They lose this and that Denver crowd doesn't see this team until the next pre-season.![]()
I hope we get 7 games outta this series, will be hard to see it happening, but it will come down to today!
Well then look to the East for a seven game series, don't jynx us here.![]()
lol we'll talk about it after the game
what are the nuggs thinking, using billups to gaurd kobe?![]()
they dont want birdman and jr to start getting confident....