Awesome, thanks mate. I'm down for 2 cases.I know the signatures are numbered.
Awesome, thanks mate. I'm down for 2 cases.I know the signatures are numbered.
Big thanks to Matt for keeping us all informed,that's what makes this such a great siteHi everyone,
With thanks to Tap 'N' Play, here is the checklist.
@Matt26 - any details as to whether the silver and gold parallel sets will be the same as last years - i.e. same image as the base set with either a silver or gold trim/border - or is there something different planned for this year? Also any special features to align with TnP's focus on mobile technologies - or is that still a while off?
I have been sworn to secrecy but yes, a couple of things are in the works for release this year based on technology.....which sound very exciting.
My guess would be something like a QR code or webpage link to the player in action (bowling or batting) or even coaching tips by the player/s? Only basing this on things card companies have done in the past in the American market.
You might be to the mark - the following is on the TnP website under the heading "What is Tap n Play?' in relation to the upcoming A-league/FFA release:
"The first series of FFA Trading cards are just the start of an exciting new era of sports cards. Commencing in late 2015 Tap’n’play technology will release a special range of interactive video Trading Cards for use with mobile phone and tablet technology. These cards will enable traders to bump and swap cards in online collections and link to numerous competitions, your favourite players, FFA information and video links.
Our developers are working now to develop an exciting interactive experience for Tap’n’play customers and traders that will be a wonderful compliment to our collectors range."
Although the 'online collection' reference does suggest something like a Select app with digital cards as @aflcards2015 has suggested, but the reference to releasing a special range of these cards might mean they don't form part of the normal release.
Ahh like the Topps Kick Cards. I guess the collectors will be all over this lol