Supremacy review


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Common cards:
Interesting to see the common cards are a high end in themselves for the first time. Don't get me wrong, they're not bad but as faic the design could have been much better should they be a high end concept as well as the inserts. I reckon IP signatures will look fantastic on these should the players sign them 90 degrees over the faded background component but unfortunately many collectors frown upon signing on upper ends even if they look good?

Norm Smith medalist cards:
Yes an excellent concept and kind of feels like a Norm Smith medal theme like the Brownlow theme in 2014-15. These cards seem better on hand compared to what I saw in first previews. (Wouldn't mind a Coleman medalist theme sometime in future release)

Finals folklore black:
The only black card in the release yet alone the only non white design! Tbh a design like this should be saved for a case hit concept in a fide high end release (is certified or dominance etc) IMO. No GWS here and somewhat disappointed here

Multiple premiership player:
Very much appreciate this concept and like the hit ratio, abundance of players and out of 40

Premiership and Brownlow:
Like this concept the way select came up with another Brownlow concept not covered in honours release

Franchise future signature:
Great selection of players and grateful for this for including those clubs yet to claim a premiership. Also appreciate the 90 degree signature and classy patch like design

Guernsey concept /70:
Some pretty poor choices of players in particular those players whom have declared free agency since this publication! Fortunately cogs has decided to maintain a Giant however I'd be happier had Green donated another Guernsey to go with my already certified concept of him. Phil Davis another preferred choice IMO

Premiership glory signature:
An excellent set and love the choices of players however would have preferred to see a consultation concept dedicated to Goldy, Freo and GWS here - an additional Guernsey concept would be an example

Finals folklore signature:
Yes to be fair this is where they've tried to accumulate all 18 clubs regardless of who's got won a flag however would have been interesting to see how suns could have been included - seems barely possible LoL. In all honesty I wish cogs was accounted for this signature concept where he starred in the 2017 semi final win over West Coast as Stevie J as a Giants card? I can barely nod my head and even Geelong supporters may know where I'm at here!

Norm Smith medal signature:
Again an excellent choice and appreciate the Norm Smith medal theme in this release

Guernsey concept /25:
Now $300 will be the max I'd pay for one of these and thats necessarily the cogs Guernsey number 3 or 18 to match Cameron's number in my PC. These cards do look astonishing especially the number one logo patches but not gunna take food off the table for one of these sorry

Premiership player and Brownlow signature:
Yes happy the top ends are this - doesn't matter if not all teams

Quad coach signature booklet:
The one we've all been waiting for the last 15 months - what do I think? Well I oblige to surrender I will never be a custonian of a copy of one of these booked (99.9% definitely I believe)

Overall verdict: 7/10

Sorry select but 2017 certified still the best release IMO

In future should an extra high end release take place like this one, I'd like to see:

Common cards the black card in the release

More variation in designs

Something to include Goldy in the top ends as well as 17 other clubs

Something to tempt me more as a GWS surporter
Overall I think you are on the mark especially with more variation in design.

At first I was disappointed with some of the player selections, I raised the question and was told there was a number of players who refused which did include WCE and Swans. So far enough with going who they chose.

I absolutly love the design of the finals folklore black, which makes sense for me since I think the High flyers were the best of Dominance. Just amazing looking cards in hand.

The coach sig booklets have nowhere near the value and/or demand that was expected from Select but most collectors knew that going in.
there is a gws card in normal finals folklore set mate!!

and imo best cards are the franchise futures! absolutely love them!
Cant blame select for players that have chosen to leave clubs since the cards came out? the cards had been in production for a couple of years as well
Wasn't meaning to blame select for that - in other words was trying to say many collectors would be disappointed there regardless and such cards and will down value compared to other cards in team collectors PC's

Yes select can only do so much sometimes and IMO many collectors have already made up their minds upon their best cards
Anyone notice a difference in size in some cards, I put a Final Folklore Manassa in a one touch and found it moved around, the width was undersize when compared with other cards.
In second thoughts I really do love the black finals folklore cards! I'll be aiming to collect the set I think!

Well if your keen I have a David Schwarz I'm happy to trade and also the Whitfield platinum predictor and hopper signatures. Keen on the kelly and all my usual players (pm me if you need reminder haha)
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