Ok guys, I have been doing some personal research on this phenomenon, trying to weed out the facts from the false and it is not an easy thing to do!
In one circumstance I feel that a lot of the organisational sites are factual, but also offer bits here in there that could be deemed as propoganda.
Some facts I have found out:
Founded by L. Ron Hubbard in teh early 1950's
Belief in various ego states, highets level being a spiritual being ie a God?
These are the main facts that I can truly believe from both sides of the argument.
Some other facts that come from scholarly evidence, but not sure how true
Humans placed on this planet by Xenu, who bombed them with hyrdogen bombs to release their spirits
Beliefs violate many human rights in terms of privacy, security etc
Not just a religion but a massive arganisation that dealss in everything from politics to religion to business
Just wondering what people think of this strange phenomenon and if anyone else has any factual information.
Oh and the reason I have taken it upon myslef to research this is my GF's best friends husband was drunk and is never ever wrong and said he feels sorry for scientologists and spun all these bullshit facts out at me like it was created 1000's of years ago and they believe in God, but couldn't argue with him because I had no back up to my facts and he is one of those people who get riled up when they think they are the "all knowing great one"! LOL
In one circumstance I feel that a lot of the organisational sites are factual, but also offer bits here in there that could be deemed as propoganda.
Some facts I have found out:
Founded by L. Ron Hubbard in teh early 1950's
Belief in various ego states, highets level being a spiritual being ie a God?
These are the main facts that I can truly believe from both sides of the argument.
Some other facts that come from scholarly evidence, but not sure how true
Humans placed on this planet by Xenu, who bombed them with hyrdogen bombs to release their spirits
Beliefs violate many human rights in terms of privacy, security etc
Not just a religion but a massive arganisation that dealss in everything from politics to religion to business
Just wondering what people think of this strange phenomenon and if anyone else has any factual information.
Oh and the reason I have taken it upon myslef to research this is my GF's best friends husband was drunk and is never ever wrong and said he feels sorry for scientologists and spun all these bullshit facts out at me like it was created 1000's of years ago and they believe in God, but couldn't argue with him because I had no back up to my facts and he is one of those people who get riled up when they think they are the "all knowing great one"! LOL