Scientology seriously folks!


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Ok guys, I have been doing some personal research on this phenomenon, trying to weed out the facts from the false and it is not an easy thing to do!

In one circumstance I feel that a lot of the organisational sites are factual, but also offer bits here in there that could be deemed as propoganda.

Some facts I have found out:
Founded by L. Ron Hubbard in teh early 1950's
Belief in various ego states, highets level being a spiritual being ie a God?

These are the main facts that I can truly believe from both sides of the argument.

Some other facts that come from scholarly evidence, but not sure how true
Humans placed on this planet by Xenu, who bombed them with hyrdogen bombs to release their spirits
Beliefs violate many human rights in terms of privacy, security etc
Not just a religion but a massive arganisation that dealss in everything from politics to religion to business

Just wondering what people think of this strange phenomenon and if anyone else has any factual information.

Oh and the reason I have taken it upon myslef to research this is my GF's best friends husband was drunk and is never ever wrong and said he feels sorry for scientologists and spun all these bullshit facts out at me like it was created 1000's of years ago and they believe in God, but couldn't argue with him because I had no back up to my facts and he is one of those people who get riled up when they think they are the "all knowing great one"! LOL
Brad, Brad.. Brad.... *shakes head* Cruise has just popularised the faith....

like most religions it has some merits, but for the most part, like most religion, I don't like it. However I have no problem with people practicing their religion as that is their personal right.

I personally believe in reincarnation and higher spirtual selves and that we learn lessons each lifetime and that Karma will come and bite us on the arse if we do nasty things to other people....

but I don't intend on shoving that down anyones throat ;)
Watch the episode of South Park featuring Tom Cruise and John Travolta called "Trapped in the closet" it actually gives quite a good explanation of what Scientologists believe.
They also explain fairly accurately, the origins of the Mormon religion in another episode of South Park.
And The Family Guy's portrayal of religion last Thursday was poignant and hilarious....The Church of the Fonz!!!
As you can see I get all my religious information off cartoons!!
i remember i did a 5000 word major essay on scientology and other fringe religions a couple of years ago for my psychology degree, ill see if i still have it somewhere.

when you get down to it though, all religion is ridiculous, it simply derives from superstition mixed with tradition. no christian, muslim, or any person of other faith has put forth a convincing, logical, plausible argument about the validity of their chosen beliefs. i do believe there is a power greater than humanity somehwere, whether they be aliens, god/s, spirits etc...the universe is so vast youd be naive to think we have seen even a fraction of its contents. the thing is no body has any definitive answers concerning religion, all we can do is make educated guesses. the beliefs of scientologists are far fetched, yet so are the fantastic tales found in the bible, koran etc. scientology seems to revolve around money a lot more than most religions though, and for some reason seems to appeal to celebrities, which has baffled me.
when you get down to it though, all religion is ridiculous, it simply derives from superstition mixed with tradition. no christian, muslim, or any person of other faith has put forth a convincing, logical, plausible argument about the validity of their chosen beliefs. i do believe there is a power greater than humanity somehwere, whether they be aliens, god/s, spirits etc...the universe is so vast youd be naive to think we have seen even a fraction of its contents. the thing is no body has any definitive answers concerning religion, all we can do is make educated guesses. the beliefs of scientologists are far fetched, yet so are the fantastic tales found in the bible, koran etc. scientology seems to revolve around money a lot more than most religions though, and for some reason seems to appeal to celebrities, which has baffled me.

That's pretty much what Brian (the dog) said on The Family Guy!!
wow a discussion about religion, phew this could get uuugly , but seriously im not a big fan of any organised religion,im with aj on this i think believe we do come back again and again intil we get all the things right we are supposed to, and then well i dont know but hey guess i will when i get there ;) and i think i karma is the best thing , wat goes around comes around, so be nice people!!:)
wow a discussion about religion, phew this could get uuugly

i think it would be in everyones best interest if we close this thread. I know their are some strong beleivers of the Christian faith on our site not saying im one of them but i think this might be offensive to some. Thats if the other admins agree. ;)
i think it would be in everyones best interest if we close this thread. I know their are some strong beleivers of the Christian faith on our site not saying im one of them but i think this might be offensive to some. Thats if the other admins agree.

Just because I like Fleer cards and everyone else likes Upper Deck or Topps, doesn't mean I don't like to hear others give their opinions on other things.
I'm a Christian, and I'm not offended by this. I think it's healthy to have various topics of discussions.

But like a few have said, and from what a few non-christian friends of mine have siad, I don't preach to them (or you), and only let my example of living show them Christian love. Although it saddens me that their souls may potentially be lost one day, that is their choice. I can only be myself and love them one way or another.

Anyway, that's my thoughts.
My main bone of contention is that its actually classed as a religion even though we all know the origins of it. It therefore recieves the tax breaks of other religions that are in place for the organisation to do good in the community. But they don't and just buy up buisiness and shares etc. Take that away from them I say. Apart from that don't put it in my face and I'm fine. I can now go to the supermarket and and shops on Good Friday so things are becomming a bit more balanced in society for all.
I don't think this needs to be closed, I am Catholic and have just recently (past year or so) really made an effort to be more christian-like in my life. Main things I take from Christianity is to "love evryone" and to "live my life like Jesus" would, and as far as I know there is nothing wrong with that and a lot of people would live their lives with a similar philosophy, but just not call themselves christian.

Think Karma is a tough one because that is what we would like to believe in our society.

Still haven't had any comments on whether my fact are right or not though?
I was raised as a Catholic, but from about the time I was about 14, religion hasn't played much of role in my life. I do believe in some sort of higher power however im still working out what it is exactly.

I am happy to respect others beliefs and exist in a society where there are different religions that people believe in, however I do not like it when these values or beliefs are forced upon me.

I think as long as everybody respects each others views, a discussion of this type could be very interesting.

I am happy to respect others beliefs and exist in a society where there are different religions that people believe in, however I do not like it when these values or beliefs are forced upon me.

Agreed, I don't think there are huge amounts of people who "force" religion on others, other than the street walkers, and they probably believe they are "saving" people. God does say to spread his word, but I think they don't take away the right meaning from this message...or maybe they do and I'm wrong?
i completely agree with the basic tenets of christianity: love they neighbour and treat others as you would want to be treated etc...teachings like these are common sense and contribute to a happier world. but when people start talking about me not going to heaven or that my sould is damned for all eternity for not going to church on sundays that really gives me the shits. all that fire and brimstone stuff is just BS. i am not a christian, but i do take parts of the faith and try to apply them to my daily life, the rest i disregard as nonsense. fundamentalists are the ones i cant stand, those who take every word uttered by priests/religious leaders and written in their holy books as undeniable truth, are just simply ignorant and uneducated, unable/too lazy to think for themselves.
i think the scientology facts are pretty far fetched but in saying that everyone has thier own beliefs. i have been baptised but am not really religious. if i was to choose a religion it would be wicca as you can believe what you want. also what ever you do comes back three fold(like karma) which means be nice.
but when people start talking about me not going to heaven or that my sould is damned for all eternity for not going to church on sundays that really gives me the shits

I have lots of friends who are like this and just to let you and anyone else know this is how I view it.

Some people go about life either not knowing what their reason for living on this planet are, or not caring and living a life that is essentially "for themselves".

How I see it, is that I am living my life for God to make the world a better place for all, there is my reason for existing. To me, I have a reason to live. When I die and if there is no heaven and hell or God, I will be dissapointed, but I will have still lived a fulfilling life because I believed in something that let me be a person that I am happy with. If a non-christian dies and realises there is a heaven and hell and a God, the repercussions and that much greater. Anyway, that's how I view things,but this was supposed to be about scientology of which religion is only a tiny part of! :)
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