Remaining 2013 ESP Elite Parallel Case cards to be destroyed shortly!

These ones mate.
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It's interesting to read all the opinions here. I think it's a waste to destroy the cards and I think no matter what is done, not everyone will be happy about it.
Give them away and you'll upset those that purchased some.
Destroy them and you'll upset those that have not yet had a chance to get one yet or have come into the collecting game later.
At the end of the day, creating a special sub sub set not part of the original sell sheet/set may smell to many like Dynamic.
Just my opinion
Yeah I think hold onto them on the site until they sell. Imagine the disappointment in a few years time when a young kid who is now old enough to start getting into the higher end cards hears about these cards and wants one then finds out some were destroyed
This is a ridiculous argument.
I might have missed something, but why designate that these particular cards have a "use by", or in this case, a "buy by" date?
Do people destroy any other cards that don't sell out within a certain time span?
Blackmailing people into buying a product under threat of ultimate destruction of that product? WTF?
Ridiculous argument.
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