I have to stick my big nose into this thread and i agree with everything that moz,thegamerugbyleague, has said so far.
On a personal opinion, the cards do look great, and i totally love the fact there is competition in the market, which is what industry is all about. Once i saw the 'sketch' card, that threw me off immediately as many people, even my 14 year old could have sketched such a drawing, but that is just my opinion. Personally i would have put an action photo on the card.
At the moment i do hold Regal cards in high esteem as i believe they have started something that can prosper over many players and interests/sports, which is good for the hobby.
The price was rather steep IMO but each to their own. At least they kept it to 25 as i would have gone 50-100.
I am well aware of the costs to produce this type of card, as i have done my own numbers.
I am sure they would have a bulk load of un-numbered, un-signed cards, as any manufacturer would and has done previously. Should they release such other cards, i would say, why not, they are a new player on the market so why not show what you are all about.
At least we have a potential new manufacturer of quality cards that provides competition and i would like to see the next lot as i believe they have a great market to source and rely on.
And just a footnote, to be honest, at least they gave ozcardtrader enthusiasts 1st hand knowledge of what was coming onto the market, which must say alot for this site. They could have easily just gone to facebook,ebay,etc, which would have had the cards sold out b4 others here may have known about them.
Just my opinion.