PS3 NBA2K13 Online Association

Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

I think I still like the idea of top of each division, but that still means there are 5 more teams for the best record to move into the other playoff spots. Maybe still rank all the conference by their record, but the top 3 division leaders make it through automatically? No point having divisions if there is no difference to having 1 large division.

I'm not suggesting Division Leaders shouldn't be rewarded with a playoff spot. But the top 3 spots is stupid. Look at Season 1, the Western Conference #2 seed has a record of .250% but gets the spot (at the moment) because he is leading the division.

It doesn't make sense to reward a team for "winning a division" when the division is firstly weak and the team is overall weak as well. Sure give them a playoff spot but not the #2 spot.

---------- Post added 19-02-2010 at 02:18 PM ----------

Yes, we may be able to make that adjustment

That would shut me up. :v:

After all if we're going to be using the NBA's system as the way we do it, we should do it as a complete copy.

Let me know if we're able to do this.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

I have to say I disagree. There are a lot of new players, but in the West there is only 4 new players who were not participating in Season 1.

It could once again end up that players with strong records miss out because they are not leading their division, and hypothetically if say Ben had the best record and myself and Ranga were #2 and #3 (not unrealistic), we would be seeded 4th and 5th.

That means automatically one of us wouldn't go through to the 2nd round, and that doesn't seem fair.

Michael - Can you make it the way the NBA does? Having the top four seeds as 3 of the Divisional Champs and the additional winningest team, but ranked via winning %. Just like it says on wiki (as you showed us). That to me is the fairest and best, and hey if the NBA does it like that then why shouldn't we.

Maybe we can have a vote on it. The way I see it the best gamers should be in the best position and be given the advantage to go the furthest, after all they are the teams that have played the hardest and done the best to win the most amount of games. Winning the division if it is a weak one shouldn't be rewarded if the team has a poor overall record.

That is better overall for both conferences.

This is what I suggested in my post above. If we had the 3 best records, and used the method Michael posted, we'd be ranked 1st, 2nd and 5th (I think I said 4th above...if so my mistake). What is wrong with this? In the end, it doesn't matter much more than that cause either way, to win the conference and then title you have to beat everyone!

And if the division is weak, so be it. They won the division, they get into the playoffs. This happens in real life so why not in our bball?
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

This is what I suggested in my post above. If we had the 3 best records, and used the method Michael posted, we'd be ranked 1st, 2nd and 5th (I think I said 4th above...if so my mistake). What is wrong with this? In the end, it doesn't matter much more than that cause either way, to win the conference and then title you have to beat everyone!

And if the division is weak, so be it. They won the division, they get into the playoffs. This happens in real life so why not in our bball?

Haha I was agreeing with you Ben! :wave:

Saying the way Michael posted and the way the NBA does it is the best way.

And yes I agree they should deserve to get into the playoffs, I just didn't agree the three winners get the top three seeds.

The top 3 seeds and other winningest as top 4 ranked by winning % is the best way (as YOU SAID) haha - all good man! =D>:wave:
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Haha I was agreeing with you Ben! :wave:

Saying the way Michael posted and the way the NBA does it is the best way.

And yes I agree they should deserve to get into the playoffs, I just didn't agree the three winners get the top three seeds.

The top 3 seeds and other winningest as top 4 ranked by winning % is the best way (as YOU SAID) haha - all good man! =D>:wave:

:D :thumbsup:
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

id prefer afternoon but its a group of 30 users
computer shouldnt pick to badly for me :P

If you can't make the final draft time, you can still login and set the players you would like on a wishlist. Would be better to do once you know your draft position. At least that way you could probably set it to pick at least your first 3 rounds before letting the CPU take over for you (as trying to set the entire roster by autopicking would be a nightmare)
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

You can order your picks i think by numbers so you could do that or let the computer pick at team for you. Even if you just ordered the first 1-20 picks, you should do that so you get a player you want in the first round
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

From the feedback i've received so far regarding the date/time of the draft i've only received 3 negative responses (Keefy working, arzbar can't make it, mattbowen has a bedtime of 9pm).

I've received around 12 responses saying that the timing is no problem at all.

---------- Post added 20-02-2010 at 12:28 AM ----------

If we can keep that ratio through tomorrow (80%) i will definetly be setting the time and generating the lotto balls Saturday night :thumbsup:
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Generate and let 2K randomise itself. Will post on here and PS3 PM's beforehand (probably wont be until late tomorrow night) so that anyone about can login and see the list pop up instantly.
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Generate and let 2K randomise itself. Will post on here and PS3 PM's beforehand (probably wont be until late tomorrow night) so that anyone about can login and see the list pop up instantly.

Ahh stupid me, for some reason thought you were doing it manually like a box break when u throw names in a hat :lol: Yeah nice one, think im gonna save some coin and not go out tomorrow night for once, so def let us when ur doin it and its up :thumbsup:
Re: PS3 NBA2K10 Online Season

Ahh stupid me, for some reason thought you were doing it manually like a box break when u throw names in a hat :lol: Yeah nice one, think im gonna save some coin and not go out tomorrow night for once, so def let us when ur doin it and its up :thumbsup:

Haha, i'd love to do it that way because i could actually post each team as i went up the list working towards the number 1 pick. Would add a bit of suspense :)

Unfortuntly it just leaves it to open for people to end up with a 25-30 pick and hold a grudge and get paranoid opening a whole big bag of worms.

We'll keep it simple....i think it would be cool though purely for the suspense factor :)
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