On a FB group I'm in a member said that he went to K-Mart to buy a bunch of stuff for his family and in the changing rooms there were about 200 odd base cards and opened packet wrappers lying around on the ground. How bad is that! Crazy what some people will do with little to no integrity...my local kmarts still don’t stock s***. And BigW had them for a while then I went in and asked where the cards were and why there was none any more and they said people found a way to steal them and they just write it off as a loss now and not to rely on what the site said as to the stock levels.......so... that’s great....
On a FB group I'm in a member said that he went to K-Mart to buy a bunch of stuff for his family and in the changing rooms there were about 200 odd base cards and opened packet wrappers lying around on the ground. How bad is that! Crazy what some people will do with little to no integrity...
Now I know why I can not find any at Kmart...On a FB group I'm in a member said that he went to K-Mart to buy a bunch of stuff for his family and in the changing rooms there were about 200 odd base cards and opened packet wrappers lying around on the ground. How bad is that! Crazy what some people will do with little to no integrity...
On a FB group I'm in a member said that he went to K-Mart to buy a bunch of stuff for his family and in the changing rooms there were about 200 odd base cards and opened packet wrappers lying around on the ground. How bad is that! Crazy what some people will do with little to no integrity...
Hoping for 2 weeks til some Chronicles!?
I have none ordered, will I get lucky finding some in K Mart or Big W?
I wonder what format they will come in as from Kmart/BigW if any...or they will do a Court Kings single pack...
K mart was showing they had Mosaic again.
Called the one at Toowong and they had 4 packs left
Then called Toombul and they had 4 left also.
Sounds like a couple of stray boxes were put out on Sunday.
Worth checking your stores @GarnettFan4Life