a) Members with less than 10 feedback on OzCardTrader MUST SEND FIRST
unless the person can provide references from other trading websites and/or eBay with trading card history to the satisfaction of the member they are trading with.
b) All trades or sales must be posted in the
Submit Sale & Trade Agreements forum and a response left by the other party agreeing to the deal. Cards/payment should not be sent until BOTH parties have agreed to the deal.
c) Deals are deals: once a deal is posted and both parties have posted that its going through members are to hold up their end of the deal. Changing your mind or altering the deal once this has happened is not acceptable and members that do this will be suspended or have their trading privileges removed.
d) Cards/payment must be sent within 2 business days of deal agreement being reached (unless an alternative arrangement has been met and agreed to by both parties in the Submit Trade/Deal Agreement thread.
e) Prices displayed on OzCardTrader.com.au should be taken as Australian dollar (AUD) amounts, unless otherwise (and clearly) stated. Furthermore, purchase prices shown should be considered separate from any shipping charges, unless otherwise stated. Please confirm total costs before agreeing to a deal in the Submit Sale & Trade Agreements section.
f) Payments MUST NOT be sent via PayPal as a "gift" under any circumstance. Sellers must not request payment as a gift. Sellers should either request Direct Deposit, or request the buyer pays the PayPal fees if they wish to avoid fees.
g) Selling or trading card(s) or boxes that you don't have in hand is not allowed. You must have the card(s)/boxes in hand before they can be included in a deal. This includes presales of cases unless approved under point (h)
h) Group breaks, group box buys, case shares, box shares (or any other name you can think of) can ONLY be approved by Admin. No members are allowed to organise group buys unless approved by OzCardTrader. This includes advertising or promotion of group breaks on other sites.
i) Raffles, lotteries or games of chance (including mystery lots, super packs, mystery packs or any variation on that theme) or any competitions that require an entry fee are not permitted on OzCardTrader. Any competitions must receive approval from OzCardTrader Admin.
j) No auction style listings, or listings that involve bidding for an item. If you want to place an auction, take it to eBay - this isn't an auction site.
k) Be sure to get adequate contact information from the person you are dealing with. We do not store other members information - this is YOUR responsibility. OzCardTrader will not assist in any way with completing your deal so you need to ensure you cover yourself adequately or get enough information from the other person to cover yourself. OzCardTrader is only provided for a place for two members to trade cards/items and will not become involved in these trades or sales.