Official Real/Fake card Thread!

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I've bought from Jman before and no problems there, but that patch really looks strange, like its off a cap or something. Wikipedia says that they changed logos to the rising phoenix from the 2000 season, but I'm not entirely sure that that old phoenix logo wasn't used somewhere on the warm up jersey. Either way, it looks super suspicious.
It's just ridiculous! But I wouldn'ta thought card23hk woulda faked one?? That's the thing when they make all the patches better it's hard to tell the fakes lol...
It's just ridiculous! But I wouldn'ta thought card23hk woulda faked one?? That's the thing when they make all the patches better it's hard to tell the fakes lol...

Last year's exquisite had a nice jr that was the logo from the v on the neck part on the collar. But this is the first logo I have seen from this years...
There's a thread on that 1 on HK, but it's real. There's been Mourning 1s with the Miami ball and some crazy crazy patches this year (seen Durant with a large part of the Sonics Logo, and Kobe with Finals jersey logo)
fake or real if its real dammmmmmmmm nice patch

AMARE STOUDEMIRE 2003 EXQUISITE LIMITED LOGOS AUTOGRAPH - eBay (item 140261546290 end time Sep-02-08 21:42:00 PDT)


Fake IMO. Don't believe Amare was around when that Suns logo was around! Plus that year didn't have logos in it really, mainly just edge of numbers and letters and the like.
There's a thread on that 1 on HK, but it's real. There's been Mourning 1s with the Miami ball and some crazy crazy patches this year (seen Durant with a large part of the Sonics Logo, and Kobe with Finals jersey logo)

I've been outta the game for a while and just started looking at the bay again, so this is the first I've seen. Sweet looking card that's for sure, guessing it will sell for more than it's current price also...
Fake IMO. Don't believe Amare was around when that Suns logo was around! Plus that year didn't have logos in it really, mainly just edge of numbers and letters and the like.

That auction has ended also, wonder if it has anything to do with the legitimacy (if thats how you spell it) of card...
Michael, I think you'll find that is the actual SP card of MJ, and not part of the 'He's Back' series...I have that card and have seen the bronze and gold parallels also. It's the actual SP card.

Look at the bottom of the scan you can see the He's Back printing
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