Official ESP 2016 NRL Traders Thread (Sell Sheet Page 14)

Interesting that Slater is signing official signature cards with his short sig now. Can't blame him though, he has had to sign a lot of cards from different releases. Incidentally it does look like the Traders logo in the top right

If Traders does have sigs, then I am really interested in a) the price of packets b) the hit ratio and c), d) & e) what Elite is going to have in it to make it the premium release of the year. They seem to be homogenising the releases a bit (except for price).

I wonder if this means I'm chasing another Shaun Johnson
A friend alerted me to this on Billy Slater's facebook page, there is a silver print logo at the top on the right, but the photo isn't quite detailed enough to zoom in with any clarity and I can't seem to make out which series its going to be part of, I am thinking elite maybe? He posted it on the 16th Dec so they are obviously pretty advanced in the process of next years cards..
It's the Traders logo in the top right hand corner, here it is a bit bigger. click on photo it enlarges
Is it worth starting another thread that is purely for the sig cards as we discover who they are from each side (that's if there is one per side)
Hopefully the sigs will be 1 in 36 and the canterbury player better be either josh morris, sam perrett of josh reynolds :)
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