Fine coming?
Did he mean to throw his water at the Warriors supporters behind him?! I think so. Bad Blake, lol!Lol nice one Blake
Is there any live feeds on the net to watch? I've got plenty of time over the long weekend!
Teague is destroying the Pacers.
Has anybody else's league pass stopped working?
Yep, happens all the time when they offer up free access, obviously overloaded. As someone who pays for the whole year it really annoys me.
Key things from Paul George post game interview:
asked what happened in 3rd quarter: said they were down 4, he got kneed, went to bench, came back and down 15. not directly blaming teammates for not taking care of biz but was thoughtful with words and looked like wanted to say more
gave a lot of credit to Jeff Teague - "elite quickness. up there with Wall, Rose, Westbrook"
how do you (team) feel - "good" - i'd be pissed.