To be fair, whilst the announcement did ingeniously push Craig Thomson, a limp Resource Rent Tax and a failed surplus target off the front page, it's a bit glib to dismiss the whole 18 month investigation between ASADA and the ACC as a political smokescreen. Have to remember its not purely about drugs, but also criminal activity and match fixing. This is politics though, and deflecting heat is something both sides are very proficient at.
It's a shame they couldn't use the positive results of the Carbon Tax instead.
For what its worth though, I don't like the way it was handled. Every sports person in this country was tarred with the same vague brush. They could've consulted with code and club bosses before hand so that they could go public and name the specific codes and clubs involved.
It's a shame they couldn't use the positive results of the Carbon Tax instead.

For what its worth though, I don't like the way it was handled. Every sports person in this country was tarred with the same vague brush. They could've consulted with code and club bosses before hand so that they could go public and name the specific codes and clubs involved.