Just hypothesising, because as we all know, this kind of thing is illegal.

But here's a quick run-down of what's on offer through D&A in upcoming months.
Postage on top of course, would add to the bill considerably.
Momentum (August 7) - $1660 for a 10 box case = $166 per box (10 packs x 6 cards)
R&S (August 21) - $1000 for a 12 box case = $83.30 (24 x 8)
Prominence (Sept 4) - $1500 for a 15 box case = $100 (3 x 5)
Certified (Sept 18) - $655 for a 8 box case = $81.90 (10 x 5) kicker here is that one box per case is a "Hot Box", all platinum parallels replace commons, if you're into that kind of thing. I think I am!!!
There is also a 24 box case but that's close to $2K, does have 3 Hot Boxes though
Of course Prestige & Elite already out but..........nah, and also Playbook coming in October but...........nah.